
Link love (Powered by couscous and waffle cardigans)


Here’s a thought: thinking about money in terms of saving for opportunities, rather than emergencies (I think this is how I’m going to frame matters to BF in future!)

Fired and Fabulous tracks her spending for a week – something I might do here soon for kicks.

Little Miss Moneybags continues her how-to series, this time sharing some ideas for saving on housing in NYC.

As Airam finds out, diligently tracking expenses isn’t all that useful if you’re not reviewing what you’re doing.

Meg tries out grocery shopping and marvels at the possibilities. (It’s amazing, in my eyes, that someone could eat out for the majority of their meals!)

And finally, Well Heeled offers some suggestions for talking yourself out of spending.


Lilu presents a definitive guide for anyone who’s lost their boyfriend/dream job/puppy.

Fabulously Broke reflects on her time in Paris and how the culture differs from Canada.

Carlee reckons that despite being frail, she’s getting stronger – both physically and mentally. (Yes, paper cuts hurt! I, too, am a wimp; bruise easily and get sick every winter. I consider myself in touch with my body.)

Girl Normal’s thoughts on grad school, and trying to follow a field you like but aren’t necessarily good at.

Amy at Just a Titch turns biker babe and takes a shine to it.

Coincidence: I mentioned banh mi bale sandwiches earlier this week, and guess who posted a Vietnamese sandwich recipe? YUM.

Gem muses on life, relationships and money all in one post (and hits basically everything I’ve been thinking about lately)

Not That Kind of Girl writes to some jailbirds (and if you want to partake, you can)

Like me, Jess has some serious photo anxiety, and speaks out to share her pain. She’s also looking for advice on whether she should move apartments to save money.

Amber blogs about a situation where it’s best not to set expectations.

Pushing Thirtyy wonders when some of her peers will ever grow up. Something I wonder a lot, although to be fair, we’re at the other end of our 20s.

“Acknowledge online life as real, and the Internet’s transformative potential opens up” (Gold to an online addict such as myself). The Harvard Business Review compiles ten reasons to stop apologising for your online life.

And on that note…What kind of social media user are you? Find out here.


PR Working Girl offered some insight into a good week at her job, which sparked a little bit of debate. Us journos couldn’t help but respond to her comment about reporters taking a different angle from press statements (which of course, if you’re serious about getting coverage, should always be geared towards a newsworthy angle)

Ever wondered what it’s like to be a bouncer? Well, Social Diary details what it feels like to be a doorbitch. (I’m not sure I’d recognise Robert De Niro, either)

Financial Samurai asks why the employed among us are so smug about the unemployed.

Neurotic Workaholic offers an insight into the world of academia.

For US residents, New Grad Life has tips for anyone thinking of joining the civil service (ie, government jobs).

Penelope Trunk on why you should befriend interns (strange twists of fate have seen me strike up friendships with a handful of third year journalism students; makes me feel simultaneously wise and decrepit) as well as tips for leaving a job.

Debt Ninja asks how quickly you could replace your income if you lost your job today – a terrifying thought. I really don’t think it would be all that soon, so I’m glad my job is about as stable as I could hope for in this field.

J Money on the cheapest way to travel the world (My mum once worked for an airline, but in the accounting department. She still got to travel some, though. But working as a flight attendant sounds brutal!)

Jenny on being the woman who always leaves work on time to catch the same train, no matter what.

Hope you all had fabulous weekends!

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4 thoughts on “Link love (Powered by couscous and waffle cardigans)

  • Reply Revanche August 1, 2010 at 15:53

    You know, I was just reflecting on the incredible range of personalities, work experience, life experience and etc. among the people my age at my office. One is married with a kid heading up a crazy huge project after being entry level for a while, another is an ex-pat who just started an entry level position with us. There’s me, somewhere in the middle-ish, closer to the married one in level and responsibility. It’s interesting!

  • Reply Financial Samurai August 1, 2010 at 16:45

    Thanks for the inclusion!

  • Reply Amber from Girl with the Red Hair August 1, 2010 at 17:12

    Thank you for the link love, again 🙂 I’m going to have to go check out some of these posts – they seem interesting!

  • Reply J$ August 2, 2010 at 08:38

    Your mom sounds awesome 🙂

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