
Link love (Powered by bay runs and afternoon tea)

Fun with search terms that brought people here!

i don’t care

Good for you! Keep up the attitude.

as you know shorthand outline

I’d write it like this. I also had a stab at writing it all in one phrasing on the right, but word groups were never my forte.

flatting with friends

That can go either way. Personally, I wouldn’t recommend it, but I’m horrendously antisocial and consider home a place to get away from everyone I know. It works for lots of other (normal?) people. At the very least, choose friends responsible with money who aren’t likely to do drugs or bring random one night stands home.

eating in vs eating out

Eating in is definitely cheaper. But I’m a fan of mixing it up.

why do people flaunt money

To feel good about themselves?

how to flaunt your money

Buy lots of crap. Preferably showy, expensive and outrageous crap. Designer clothes, vehicles, electronics, etc. And buy all the rounds at the bar.

why is the first step the hardest

Buggered if I know. I just know it is.

introverts eye contact energy conservation

YES. This is what I’m going to use in the future – I’m not looking at you, I need to conserve energy.

what to give a woman turning 23

Think less about the age and more about the person.

paying bills when strapped for money

I’m assuming you have no financial safety net. That leaves you with finding a way to quickly bring in some extra money, or borrow it. Whatever you do, please build up an emergency fund once you’re over the hump.

my fiances family is a mess

i hear you. Stay out of it as much as possible and don’t get sucked in.

i have a degree in communications now what

Hopefully you got some internships and work experience under your belt along the way, because experience (and who you know) is what counts. If you were stupid, well, it’s not too late. But seriously. I’m assuming you don’t actually know what you want to do (something you’d ideally have figured out earlier, but oh well). If you can afford to, then do lots of experience at different organisations. If you need to start bringing in money, then you’re stuck taking the first decent job that comes your way, aren’t you? But seriously, all companies need to communicate with customers, stakeholders, the media, etc. I elaborate more on career pathways in communications here.

And on that note…


Hee hee. Open letter from an English major to marketing majors, at McSweeneys.

A guide for introverts in ad agencies, but applicable to other workplaces…

In Bullish this week: Career killers you might not know are killing you.

10 reasons to have a side business going, by Thousandaire.

And … Quote of the week. Word.

“That’s the bargain with interns. Sometimes you invest a bunch of time in them teaching them how to do things that more experienced journalists already know and they give you nothing in return except a headache. If they were employees, you’d fire them, but since they’re not, you just wait to be rid of them. Sometimes they turn out to be brilliant, require minimal oversight and actually help you do your job.” From Forbes.


At A Practical Wedding: when your husband isn’t your best friend. T and I hung out for a while briefly before we got together, and I’m sure we’d get along just fine at parties and whatnot today if we weren’t, but I don’t think we would be bonafide friends as such. Definitely agree that shared values are key. And I probably would consider him my best friend too, today.

Be a better person. Here’s how you can change the world, writes Hannah Katy.

Here are Iowa Girl’s 10 ways to spring clean your life.

How to prepare ahead of time for when you get sick, via Get Rich Slowly. Too true. We always seem to be out of soup, noodles and Panadol whenever I come down with something.

Cordelia Calls It Quits on the one and only cure for Mondayitis.

Is university worth it? You Have More Than You Think has done a pretty huge blogger survey on this topic and presents the results.

If you ever plan to go on a Serengeti safari, read this post by Moneymate Kate first.


Lamb meatballs with lemon sauce, at $120 Food Challenge.

And Swedish Visiting Cake, via Just a Titch.

Lastly, head over to this week’s Carnival of Personal Finance, hosted by Marissa! This week I share how we make it work as a one car household.

2 thoughts on “Link love (Powered by bay runs and afternoon tea)

  • Reply Nextness March 19, 2012 at 07:22

    Thank you for the shout out to our introvert post! and that “is college worth it” post was especially fascinating too.

  • Reply Shawanda @ You Have More Than You Think March 19, 2012 at 10:14

    Thanks for linking to my blog post!

    @Nextness And thank you for reading it!

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