
What did the postman bring?

Lots of mail today! Well, sort of. My mum dropped off a bunch of shoes. I mentioned to her my unsuccessful hunt for sandals. I’ve appreciated her efforts to help me, emailing me when she spots a pair I might like, and dropping off sandals she picks up cheap. BUT enough is enough! I now have four pairs of sandals that I’ll honestly never wear. Not my style. Too Asian, too middle aged, and too high – all with weird chunky platform style heels.

A letter from the IRD telling me they’ve written to my employer to change my tax code to SL. I have $1000 taken out, interest free to repay an overdraft the boy ran up last year, which he’s been paying back by AP. Except now it’s being taken out of my paychecks. Wonderful. I guess I’ll cancel that AP. Only thing I’m worried about them is they’ll just keep taking money out after it’s paid off (it nearly is). I don’t trust them! Especially as it’s only $1000, which I assume is pretty unusual for a student – they wouldn’t expect a loan to be paid off so soon so I wouldn’t be surprised if they overlooked this and continued to take their 10% after the loan’s done and dusted. And if you think I’m being unnecessarily paranoid, come on. This is a govt. department!

Secondly, and much more important. Got into journo! One 2009 goal down! It was a pretty anticlimactic letter. Didn’t even get to the point until halfway down the page. And then came the good bits. $500 for field trip and books (BOOKS??? FOR JOURNO?? WTF???!) Plus the $250 odd that my scholarship doesn’t cover. Ouch. My Visa will be getting a workout. And in fact it expires in Feb so I’ll have to get a new one; must put that in the diary.

And the best bit? All journalism students must have a current driving licence. Please start taking lessons with a view to getting your full licence by early next year.

allllrighty. I’m still on my learners. If I get my restricted before uni starts I still cant get my full till 2010.

Tough cookies. If they have a problem, well, too bad, I’m in and I won’t be leaving the course.

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