
Future plans

BF might be studying next year.

Yep, just as I graduate, he might be entering uni.

He’s thinking of doing teaching – primary, intermediate age. Maybe secondary later on – apparently with a B.E you can also apply for certain secondary positions, and I’m trying to get in touch with the faculty to find out more.

If he did early childhood instead, he’d get a free ride plus spending money. ECE is an area of major shortage at the mo; or he could do a technology degree, then a one year grad. dip., and get that paid for as technology teachers are also in demand.

But he doesn’t want to do either of those, so we’d have to look at other scholarships. And of course, student loans.

I know in the States there are lots of grants for First in Family….people who are the first in their family to attend uni.

Can’t find any in NZ, although I’ve only had a cursory look.

Anyone know  of anything like that?

(I think because anyone can finance their degree with a loan here, scholarships are way less common….)

He’d probably do the New Start course part time next semester, to ease him into the routine and get him entry into next year’s intake.

It’s just over $300 and is only one day a week. It also covers a range of topics, so it should be fun and somewhat  interesting. I’m sure he can achieve a B+ with some work. It’s held at the city campus, although they also hold classes out west in Te Atatu at Rutherford College, which will probably suit better…free parking…closer to home, possibly. Although, who knows about traffic….he’d be in rush hour, going the wrong way…

Apparently they’re having record numbers sign up though – with the economy the way it is, everyone’s wanting to retrain.

The administrator said there are so many showing interest, they may have to cap their numbers! So he should enrol early.

So, exciting prospects….

One thought on “Future plans

  • Reply Tasha May 2, 2009 at 14:30

    I commend both of your efforts. You seem to be in sync and that’s good for any relationship. Studying/learning is good for the soul. Your BF will definitely increase his chances at getting a higher-paying job as he steps up to each uni year. Keep up the good work you two! I wish I were as money-conscious as you when I was your age.

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