
November spending

Seeing as ASB has this handy tracking tool, I’m going to start making regular use of it!

Here’s what November looked like. Debt repayments are higher than usual, as T put an extra $100 towards his car loan, plus an unexpected $20 tax refund that showed up in his account.

We’re still spending a bit on eating out – definitely need to make sure we’re buying enough on our grocery shops so we don’t run out by the weekend and waste money on takeaways.

Entertainment includes both of our new cellphones and our monthly topup, and we paid our quarterly contents insurance bill.

I saved about $250, but excluded it from the graph because it was part of another transaction – otherwise it would’ve shown up as over $1000 saved! That’s the only drawback – each transfer can only be classified to one category, even if you bought, say, gas and food in one swipe. (That’s what weekly roundups are for, though I’m not sure how much longer I’ll be doing those…).

December will probably look a little out of kilter, what with the silly season and all, but we’re doing gift hampers for our families – baskets have been bought, and we’re planning to bake a lot of stuff – and just need to shop for T’s brother/nieces, and his mother, who’s getting an antique trinket box.


Carnivals I participated in this week: Carnival of Money Stories – My Financial Dreams’ Edition and The Carnival of Personal Finance #233!

2 thoughts on “November spending

  • Reply Amber from Girl with the Red Hair December 2, 2009 at 08:53

    I LOVE that idea. I’m going to buy some baskets and fill them with some baking and small gifts etc.

  • Reply The Asian Pear December 2, 2009 at 15:25

    I always find dining out & groceries always eat up a huge chunk of my budget too. For the last few months though, I’ve been desperately trying to tone it down.

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