
February challenge

I’m liking this monthly challenge idea, so I’m carrying on with this month’s goal: take more photos! We’ll have a Wordless Wednesday every week; some will be (hopefully) pictureque, others not so much. But that’s not the point. The point is simply to make more use of my camera and hone my eye.

In terms of my 2010 goals, they’re chugging along.

I did save around 20%, although part of that was my first Kiwisaver contributions ($53.79 for a fortnight, matched by my employer’s 26.90, PLUS a flat $100 I added manually to make up for last month.) Otherwise, I fell a little short due to our shortfall earlier this month.

I didn’t manage to make one new dinner every week. Sigh. I did manage to meal plan last week, and STILL ran out of food. Can you say fail? This week was a little out of whack with the long weekend and T going away. Back on the horse next week.

I ran once each week and am quite proud! I can feel myself slowly clawing my way out of my total slobby funk and feel healthier and less hayfeverish (or perhaps it’s all the positive thinking I’m trying, after giving in and reading The Secret. It may all sound really BS, but we can all learn from the ‘thinking positive’ message, feeling happy and blessed, and visualising what we want.)

I donated to charity – towards the Kiwi family who lost their husband and daughters in the quake, and can’t wait to do it again! The plan is to donate to another Haiti cause, and perhaps towards the foodbank next time we shop at Countdown.

As for an upwards career move – still on the lookout for jobs. I’m working on a big thing right now; it’s a story that’s going to take time to get right, and will be great for my portfolio. Speed is of the essence though, and I already lost three days (two sick, one public holiday) since starting.

2 thoughts on “February challenge

  • Reply Amber from Girl with the Red Hair February 3, 2010 at 09:08

    Looks like you did a good job on all of your challenges so far!

    Yay for starting to run!!

  • Reply Deidre February 3, 2010 at 13:25

    I totally hear you on staying positive – it does sound like hippy dippy bs, but in the end I think it probably does make all the difference!

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