
Ugh, meh, gah

Bummer. Turns out I owe tax, even though I’m always careful to try and make sure my tax rates are correct throughout the year. Hopefully now I’m no longer receiving a student allowance, I’ll start getting refunds again.

Even worse, I never knew anything about it until I got a notice last week informing me my payment was OVERDUE! When I called the IRD, I was told a letter was sent out in July last year. Lord only knows why it never reached me. That’s $353 down the drain.

Then to add insult to injury, our useless head flatmate went from saying that our last week at the old place was all paid for (something he told me six months ago) to saying that everyone was in fact a few days BEHIND due to the dates we moved in.

I’m not even going to go into the ridiculous details. Either way, whether he deliberately lied to us for the entire time we lived there, or he just had an epic communication fail, I refused to go out of my way to accommodate his clusterfuck. I told him to take it out of our deposit. And trust me, he had PLENTY of opportunities to clarify this, had he bothered to.

(Don’t tell me that I should have been on top of all this, please. We moved right in the middle of my last semester, in a week when I was putting in double my hours at work. The deal was that I didn’t have to arrange anything or worry about anything. T and the guys were handling it all. For someone as jaded as I am, I should never have made the mistake of trusting someone else on this. My own fault. Still, at least I come out better off than if we’d stayed put and continued to let the heinous ex-flatmate suck me dry.)

It bugs me that the last few places we’ve moved out of have been on bad terms. And in most of the places I’ve lived with other people, things have started off so well and only deteriorated from there. Part of the problem is living with people our age. Why haven’t we tried to find a place with more mature flatmates, you ask? Well, most DON’T want to live with people in their early 20s, and you’d be amazed how many specify no students or shift workers. Not to mention that they also often price people like us out of the market. Maybe a single 30-something could comfortably afford $300 rent on their own a week to live in a nice townhouse, but we certainly couldn’t.

I’m not quite 22 and have been flatting for over four years. It feels like eternity, and I’m already over it! Living on our own is worth every cent, one-person kitchen or not.

8 thoughts on “Ugh, meh, gah

  • Reply Jessie March 22, 2010 at 04:29

    ugh! i’ve never had to pay taxes – that would be aweful!

  • Reply The Asian Pear March 22, 2010 at 05:21

    that’s rough. 🙁
    i hope you have some saved money to pay it down.

  • Reply rubee March 22, 2010 at 11:17

    I hate paying taxes! I was close to having to pay taxes last year…. needless to say, my refund wasn’t very much. Hopefully you didn’t have to pay any late payment fees too.

  • Reply me in millions March 22, 2010 at 14:13

    It bugs me that the last few places we’ve moved out of have been on bad terms. And in most of the places I’ve lived with other people, things have started off so well and only deteriorated from there.

    is exactly why I live alone. It was the best decision I’ve ever made.

  • Reply Stephany March 22, 2010 at 15:26

    Ugh! When it rains, it pours, right? It always seems that money problems come all at once. I hope everything gets straightened out!

  • Reply Serendipity March 22, 2010 at 15:29

    Ugh. I hope things get better. It will smooth out soon.

  • Reply Investing Newbie March 23, 2010 at 07:59

    I’ve never been in your situiation, so I don’t know what you are going through. Still living at home and I don’t make enough money for the govt to even want to come after me. LMAO. Good luck with everything!

  • Reply March roundup « Musings of an Abstract Aucklander April 6, 2010 at 15:12

    […] Tax: My “overdue” tax. […]

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