
If I wasn’t in this job…

I’d want to read books for a living.

In The Other Side of the Story, Jojo is a book agent. She has “readers” who read the manuscripts that wannabe authors send in, hoping to score themselves representation. Jojo, in fact, used to be a reader, before clawing her way up the ladder.

Imagine being paid to read! Presumably you’d make peanuts – there’s sweet f-all in publishing anyway – but this is a pie-in-the-sky post anyway.

Other possibilities – graphic designer (if I was a little more creative and less technically challenged), photographer (ditto), working at a record label, rock star. Haha.

What would you want to do, if you weren’t currently a (fill in the blank)?

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6 thoughts on “If I wasn’t in this job…

  • Reply Sense June 12, 2010 at 19:54

    oooh, i’d love to be paid to read, too! although, if i didn’t get to choose what i read, and most of the manuscripts were crap…that may take the fun out of it a bit. so maybe not.

    other options: a psychologist, maybe? personality psych was the only other class that really hooked me in college. the material didn’t contain enough of the ‘hard’ sciences for me, though–and although related, biology, while fascinating in theory, is quite gruesome to me in the flesh. Ugh *flashbacks of the brain in a jar passed around the 300-person lecture theater* I’m quite happy to stick with my outdoorsy, hard-science profession, thank you very much! the worst thing i have to touch or study is dirt.

    more recently, i have been thinking about a side career as some sort of financial advisor. or, if i had enough to survive, as a full time unpaid volunteer somewhere…helping people with their budgets, helping in soup kitchens, planting trees, etc.

    all of my favorite professions involve helping people in some way or another…either saving them from imminent natural disasters or helping them emotionally or financially. 🙂 that is what drives me, I think.

    random question: do you ever do open mic nights with your guitar? or sing/play in public?

  • Reply Melissa June 13, 2010 at 08:28

    If I had the ability to do anything, I’d be working in the medical field. Unfortunately, the science of sciences has always eluded me.

  • Reply eemusings June 13, 2010 at 13:07

    @ Sense I haven’t actually played guitar in a few years. Am STILL waiting for my part to be shipped in so I can pick it back up. Kinda hard when it’s missing a string and the part which holds it in place. Hangover from hellish flatmate.

    Back in the day, yeah, I did want to do open mic nights, and went to observe a couple. But it’s not for me….I’m not a performer, I just want to play for myself now. I did play in every single talent quest at school though if that counts 😛

  • Reply unknowntheartist June 13, 2010 at 12:30

    In my teens until I was about 22, I was in recording studios trying to get a recording contract/songwriting contract, writing for local groups and recording my own demos every weekend. I had made up my mind from around 10 that I would be an R&B singer but when I learned I could write 16 bars of a rap song, I turned my attention to that instead.
    A couple of my friends from the old neighbourhood ended up on local distribution, one through Australian Idol, another through releasing their own pressed album and another through guest appearances on local groups CDs.
    I didn’t think I could take the close to homelessness and eating noodles for every meal ’til I made it so I took a 9-5 job in the same industry and have been watching over some of my friends careers ever since. It;s not what I want to do for the rest of my life but I’m close enough to what I wanted to do and I’m happy.

  • Reply Aspiring Minimalist June 13, 2010 at 14:54

    I think I’d read and cook. I also want to help people – maybe from a financial aspect, and helping people realize how to make their money work for them.

  • Reply Bexi June 17, 2010 at 18:59

    I would love to be a reviewer: film, television, books…Being allowed to watch copious numbers of movies/televisions shows or read oh so many books, and then write about them? My idea of heaven.

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