I knew July was gonna be a big fat financial fail from day one. There was my birthday. My brother’s birthday. My buying my own present, as T still hadn’t found work. Our visit to the farmer’s market, which required getting out cash (THE DEVIL), from which I gave in and told him to just buy some damn Coronas already (This whole one-income thing is fraught with minefields. Why should he get to buy a $20 box of beers when I don’t even spend that much on myself in a regular week? On the other hand, it’s not fair to expect him to live without any luxuries).
ANYWAY. Then I bought tickets to Paramore – which were a steal at less than $100 – one for me and two for friends who I hadn’t been able to find birthday presents for to date. That will basically even out come September when I get my Metallica tickets and can onsell my spare two.
Then T’s clothing crisis came to a head – luckily, we found the perfect jacket for him, at $50 off ($150). His tax refund should just about cover that. And at the risk of sounding rude, please don’t lecture me about giving the government a loan – this isn’t the US, and our tax system is nothing like yours.
It’s all very well saving 20 per cent and more of my income, but not when I keep spending. Especially this month, when I’m certainly not going to make that threshold – at least it’s the first time I can say that since I set that goal.
We still desperately need to buy a couple of things for the house, the most expensive of which will be a new frying pan/wok. I’ve already pretty much written off this month in terms of savings – I’m still hoping to hit maybe $600.
Worst of all, I haven’t been keeping a close eye on the accounts. I have a vague idea of how much is on the Visa (and it won’t be anything unmanageable by any means; I am still budgeting) but it’s going to stay rough until all the transactions clear. I may have to go back to jotting down notes everytime I use it, because there’s nothing I hate more than feeling like I don’t have a grip on my money.
I totally understand the one income thing. When I was with my last boyfriend he was unemployed about half the time we were together and it was difficult some times. Good luck doll and keep your head up, things will recover if you keep at it.
I feel so bad that you had to buy your own b’day present! I hope things get better for you and T and that all your hard work pays off thousand-fold. You deserve it, hard times can’t last forever.
The best thing out of the financial drama this month is you get to sing your heart out along with Hayley Williams at the Paramore concert later this year!