
Link love (Powered by hors d’oeuvres and nude shoes)

What. A. Week. Out at functions/events three evenings in a row (I always think I’ll be able to fill up enough to call it dinner, and I’m always wrong), and no days off at all for me as I’m on jury duty next week. Boo.

On the plus side, I picked up a cute pair of ballet flats for just $10. I’ve never bought nude shoes before (they actually match my skin tone perfectly), nor the weird stretchy type (kinda like this, KWIM?) In fact, to be completely honest, I’ve been on a bit of a shopping bender. It’s not often I can kick myself into a shopping mood, so I’m trying to do all my wardrobe updating right now. While 99% of that has been secondhand, it’s still a financial ouch. I’m still yet to purchase new boots, and to see about getting my old ones resoled/repaired :sadface: I will tally up the damage…oh, at the end of the month, I suppose.

How’s your week been?


Pretty Young Professional explains how pro-bono work can boost your resume.

Susannah Breslin shares how she went from downsized to self-employed in four months.

Hi, fellow digital types (waves)! Here’s how to explain the whys and hows of social media to your other half.

Study Hacks looks at the habits of A+ students.

Some great insight into office politics and the hiring game, via Financial Samurai.

Dumb Little Man offers 5 tips on handling rejection like a pro.

Amber interviews Amy on life as a high school teacher.

Daisy blogs about techniques for writing a kickass resume.


Geek in Heels is rethinking her role as a SAHM.

Shannon is evaluating her friendships and consciously choosing to cull the negative ones.

World as a Muse redefines her definition of success.

Redhead Writing has a rad post on tattoos and life stories.

Stratejoy founder Molly shares the things she lets lapse when life gets overwhelming.

Walking in Heels on making the most of your precious time.

Love Addict blogs about the perils of sharing domestic space.

One thought on “Link love (Powered by hors d’oeuvres and nude shoes)

  • Reply addvodka May 23, 2011 at 03:55

    I so went on a shopping bender yesterday. Luckily it was mostly stuff that I needed.

    Thanks for the link love!

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