
Link love (Powered by falafel and foot power)

Ever have one of those days that’s just…productive? I can’t remember the last time I ended the week feeling so good. No kidding, I literally left the office on Friday beaming and generally feeling in my prime, ready to tackle the week ahead head-on.

It’s also been a good week diet-wise, money-wise and exercise-wise. Not so much socially or in terms of paying any attention to my other pastimes, but you can’t have it all now can you? As Nicole (whose tagline is ‘a life less bullshit’) put it, “You can’t have all the shit you want at the same time. You can have all the shit you want over the course of a lifetime, but you can’t have it all at once.”

To the links!


Krystal shares how her freelance business has grown this year.

The worst mistakes the self-employed can make, via FruGal.


Well Heeled asks: Would you reschedule your honeymoon to save $2000?


Suburban Sweetheart lays out the differences between writing and blogging.

Geek in Heels wonders what the best course of action is when bigots link to your content.

Get Rich Slowly explains how to learn a new language – for free.

Title says it all: My hobbies are not statements about your values, by Nicole and Maggie.

Am I the only woman around that needs my ego inflated on a regular basis?” No, Heather, you’re not.


Umm. Pesto and goat cheese on pizza? Yes please! Via Iowa Girl Eats.

Closet Cooking’s blue cheese guacamole.

Sarah at Yes and Yes goes on a cheesemaking adventure.

Living Well on Less tries menu unplanning, in order to eat healthier. (That’s pretty much my laissez-fare MO.)

Finally, here are seven words: Blackberry Coconut Custard Chocolate Chunk Cookie Pie!

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