
Link love (Powered by bike rides and Brandon Boyd)

I have two February food resolutions:

  • Put more salt on my food. Cramps suck.
  • Eat more salads for lunch. Am spending too much time standing over a stove.

In other news, I saw Incubus live this week and have no regrets. Here’s a review that more or less sums it up perfectly.

I’ll admit, I don’t listen to the radio anymore, and haven’t for years, so I knew nothing about their new album. Turns out I really like one of the songs – Isadore – which I had to identify the next day off this set list.

My only complaint lies with the audience, not the band. I honestly think I may prefer dealing with rough, pushy guys at the kinds of gigs I’m used to.This time around I had to contend with getting hair in my mouth from the girl in front of me, and several other girls piercing my eardrums with their constant shrill screams.

The gig itself was somewhat stripped back, almost intimate. Definitely a concert and not a show (unlike the Foos). That said, they have plenty of powerful songs as well as mellow ones. Opener Megalomanic and closer Wish You Were Here were suitably explosive, as was one of my favourites, Anna Molly. Then there were the likes of Pardon Me and Love Hurts, and oldies Drive and Are You In which really took all of us back.

I could only have wished for Agoraphobia, my fave song (but I don’t think it was a single), and maybe Talk Shows on Mute, which I used not to like but has grown on me since I started learning to play it. (Speaking of which, I went right home and successfully learned Drive, which was quite satisfying considering I still remember trying and failing on my chunky acoustic when I first started playing six years ago).

End ramble.


At Kalzumeus, a long read (but worth a skim) on salary negotiation, with a special focus on engineers.

Overcoming Bias voices something I wonder about – fresh grads straight out of business school going into consulting companies with no actual experience.

Business for Good explains how to network via Facebook.

Teacher Finance lays out the pros and cons of the job.

Carol Tice breaks down how to earn six figures as a freelance writer.

Don’t count on making a career out of social media, at Zombie Journalism.

Fabulously Broke tackles the blue vs white collar tension and points out that it’s a symbiotic relationship.


Automating savings on an irregular income, at Get Rich Slowly.

Everyday Minimalist asks: Why do you buy?

Thousandaire on financial behaviours that piss him off, and why you should write off your charitable donations  (Totally agree. I ended up saving my tiny tax refund from my charity donations late last year because it was a tight month, but ended up making a big donation last month, so really I think it evened out.)


Love it! Uncooking – a super simple way to plan meals, at Stonesoup.

I probably won’t make these potato chip cookies but am intrigued nonetheless…

And Minting Nickels shares her favourite pizza dough recipe.


When should you be airing your complaints on social media? Via Grow.

At Small Hands, Big Ideas, some handy online tools for almost everything in life (see my favourite apps here)

Kyla Roma shares some insights into making and keeping goals.

At 20 and Engaged, some suggestions for practical wedding favours.

Twelve ways to tap into your inner bliss, by Jenny Blake.

2 thoughts on “Link love (Powered by bike rides and Brandon Boyd)

  • Reply Jenny Blake February 6, 2012 at 01:40

    Thanks so much for the shout-out! Love the round-up 🙂

  • Reply Grace Boyle February 7, 2012 at 06:31

    Nice thanks for sharing the link 🙂 Love this roundup!

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