
Link love (Powered by spontaneity and scribblings)

NZMuse - Link love roundup with awesome reads from the week

We all have a story that we use to define ourselves.

Mine used to be that I moved out of home very young. Mine is of independence and bootstrapping.

I’m not sure what it is now, though. Is it one of a continual quest for balance? Is it one of teetering on the brink of a quarterlife crisis? Is it just Or is it just living a quiet, largely content life? Or is that not punchy enough?

Tell me, what’s your life arc?


Kiwis take note: Taxpayers will no longer be able to file tax returns only when they are due a refund from the IRD, under proposed changes being considered (a loophole that I as a taxpayer wholeheartedly condone, but accept you can’t have your cake forever).

Cook like a peasant, save money, at Get Rich Slowly.

When a house becomes a prison – StacFace offers insights into the life of an underwater homeowner.

10 ways to feel rich via Yes and Yes.


At Brazen Careerist, first job tales from some A-list bloggers.

Amazeballs headline, even better post, at Make a Living Writing. How to get great blogging clients, even if you’re a teenage Nigerian.

What’s it like going back to corporate life after entrepreneurship? Interesting column here.

Afford Anything on the 10 laws of career reinvention.

I love reading about other people’s workdays. Makeunder My Life shares her routine here.

Interview questions you need to master, by Untemplater.

Looking to launch a side hustle? Cordelia tell you what you’re really in for.

Via the Wall Street Journal, cool insights into the serious biz of waitressing, including neat tricks like why you always hand the dessert menu quietly to a parent. (I was a terrible server, myself. And personally, I’m one of those people that says my meal was “okay” when really I’mn disappointed because I can’t bring myself to say so to someone’s face)

One to reference should I jump on the novelling bandwagon in the future. How to find time for fiction when you already spend all day writing, by Dollars and Deadlines.

Another cracker with food for thought from Study Hacks. Can I be happy as an investment banker? The difference between pursuing a lifestyle and following passion.

From Musings of an Inappropriate Woman: Why writers shouldn’t write off trade magazines (need proof? How about potential overseas travel? Granted, that’s pretty rare, but…)

LIFE, etc

Five awesome tips for getting a better start to your day, via Dumb Little Man.

Sandy asks: Would you steal food for your family if you were desperate?

Too many interests (Um, yes!) Leo at Zen Habits shares how he’s fitting in all the things he’s learning.

A must-read take on the copyright grey areas of Pinterest by a lawyer-slash-photographer who’s quit the site.

To get ahead, do one small thing at a time, via Budgets Are Sexy.

Daisy lists four ways to hold yourself back if you’re a woman.


Stonesoup has some great suggestions for getting out of a breakfast rut (I definitely am – can’t wait to try some of these recipes).

The Joy of Caking promises this is the easiest mac and cheese you’ll ever make.

And finally, don’t miss:

This week’s Carnival of Financial Camaraderie at Canadian Finance Blog! I’m in there arguing that student life ain’t meant to be easy.

Or the Carnival of Personal Finance at Girls Just Wanna Have Funds, where I’m seriously chuffed to be an editor’s pick with my ramblings on career and earning dynamics in relationships.

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