
Friday Five: Things I can’t get enough of


If only payday could be every day. Alas, next week marks my last payday for the year. When’s yours?

Putting money into savings

I transfer my whole paycheque into savings every month, then transfer out money every week thereafter as needed (rent, groceries and the other big expenses are all weekly) – so actual savings transfers only occur when I have extra income. And damn, those feel good.


Fries, potato chips, veggie chips, prawn crackers, corn chips … doesn’t matter what it is, I lose all self-control around them. It’s not pretty. But it’s worth it while it lasts…


Especially when I’ve just made it through a challenging read (cough Anna Karenina cough), there’s nothing like rewarding myself by devouring the equivalent of literary fast food. Best found on the recently returned shelves at the library.

Running in the breeze

One foot in front of the other. The sun on your back, warm and familiar, but not oppressive. A light wind that keeps you from sweating. Light shorts and a tank. Bra-less, if possible. This is about as free as you can feel while outside and clothed, IMO – and it’s glorious. End with a masochistic sprint – deliriously lovely in that brief feeling of near-weightlessness, terribly painful when you’re forced into a premature stop, wondering if you could even manage a sub-20 second 100m today and knowing you wouldn’t dare time yourself.

6 thoughts on “Friday Five: Things I can’t get enough of

  • Reply Kellen December 15, 2012 at 12:12

    Today was the ultimate payday (well, tomorrow. I have a local bank so it takes a bit longer to clear.)
    My reimbursement check should clear today ($800 and something), plus paycheck, plus “Holiday” bonus.

    I also cannot imagine enjoying a job with no bra! Sure, it sounds free, but in reality (at least in my experience) it also sounds painful!

    • Reply Kellen December 15, 2012 at 12:13

      Whoops! I meant “jog”

  • Reply the Blonde December 15, 2012 at 14:38

    agreeing to all those things! though I have to add some chocolate to that list;-)

  • Reply MakintheBacon$ December 16, 2012 at 07:04

    I agree with everything except the running in the breeze. Probably because I’m not much of a runner. I get paid every week- each pay period from my two jobs alternates, so it’s nice to get money every week. I get an overtime paycheque at the end of the month, which is extra nice!
    I enjoy putting money into savings too. Spending money sometimes makes me nervous. LOL.
    Haven’t read anything decent in awhile, spent most of the past four months reading one of the most boring Food Microbiology textbooks in the world.
    This may sound weird, but while studying in university, I used to eat all-dressed flavoured chips and brownies together. Salty ‘n’ sweet heaven!

  • Reply Cassie December 17, 2012 at 15:53

    I believe my last pay day is on the 28th? I love pay days. I love looking at the balance in my bank account and for a few minutes feeling like I’m actually getting ahead in life rather than just spinning my wheels 🙂

  • Reply My Money Design December 18, 2012 at 06:55

    I’ve got to be honest – I have not read any good books lately. I made a list of new ones I wanted, so hopefully Santa orders them from Amazon and I can start the New Year off with something good to read.

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