
Link love (the is-winter-over-yet? edition)

NZMuse - Link love roundup with awesome reads from the week

I always imagined that once I bought a house I’d like to get a cleaner in maybe quarterly for a deep clean.

This month I bought a GrabOne daily deal for a house clean from a local company. I’m not sure I’d use them again – they don’t have a website and only a cell phone, and despite confirming spare key access over the phone (because I’d be at work when they came) I got a text that morning saying that nobody had answered the door. They sent someone back and I came home to a clean place, at least.

While they did more of a regular clean rather than focusing on the other stuff like windows and baseboards and high cobwebs (maybe I should have been more specific? Definitely looking for a specific spring clean package next time) they did a 1000x better job on everything than I do. Shower, floors, etc. I could easily get used to this, I tell ya.

This week’s links

The reality of renting. Fuck that shit (pardon my language, but seriously). I’m so glad to put that phase behind me. I get enraged just thinking about it, especially our last tenancy – though at least it wasn’t on this level of bad

Another reality check: the financials of being a best-selling author (a great if not surprising read from my perspective as someone who would kinda like to write a book one day if I could come up with an idea)

 The importance of (good) coworkers

Ain’t no room for shame in your budget

You’re allowed to leave any story you don’t love yourself in. Sometimes leaving is the best thing you can do for yourself (I know this to be true)

3 thoughts on “Link love (the is-winter-over-yet? edition)

  • Reply Jayson @ Monster Piggy Bank July 24, 2016 at 12:24

    Hope you find a better cleaning service next time NZmuse.

  • Reply Taylor Lee @ Yuppie Millennial July 25, 2016 at 23:29

    I totally plan on having a housecleaner when we have kids. They always clean better than I do and the expense, while costly, is never exorbitant.

  • Reply lynn ling July 26, 2016 at 03:16

    In Malaysia, we tend to hire housecleaner too but instead of leaving them in the house we need to keep an eye on them all the time, especially if it were agency hire. So it’s as if we also did the cleaning – just didn’t really move the muscles.

    A good read list you have there. I didn’t’ know NZ renters is treat that badly. Things are pretty opposite here, the tenant can leave the house in any situation and nothing much that the owner can do. The bond is only 1-2 months of the monthly rent.

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