  • Four weeks to go!

    Or three and a half now, actually.

    Although I roughly know how much I have to do in that time, there’s so much packed in I can’t face it. No to-do lists for me – that’s way too overwhelming. One step at a time. I’m taking it day by day and I know in the end I’ll get it all finished, in my own disorganised way.

    For example, tonight my main focus is compiling a CV to go in the “yearbook” that’s going to be sent out to a bunch of editors (a couple of whom are my current bosses…) so it’s gotta be good – and truthful!

    I’m also going to plug away at one of the three features I have left to write.

    Today I had my worst interview ever to date. Actually, let’s back that up; we didn’t even get to that stage. Basically, this was a person a contact recommended I call as she was an expert on a particular topic. I rang her on the work phone number given to me, only to be told she was no longer with the company. I got back online, tracked down her cell phone, and called it – only to wake her up at 2am in Europe. UGH.

    Thankfully, the next call I made went a lot better and we talked for about half an hour. Turns out South Africa and Malaysia have more in common than I thought. (I even surprised myself by remembering the Malay word for banana  – pisang – which apparently means the same thing in Afrikaans!)

  • How to make a video application stand out?

    nakedbus_newbusl_sHere’s how it is: I’m considering applying for this one-off travel assignment.

    The gig involves travelling the whole of NZ with a partner in November, bussing, training, staying in hostels and camps.

    We’d have to blog and tweet regularly, and file vlogs (video blogs) daily. Obviously, do interesting stuff and talk to/meet interesting people along the way.

    Initially I dismissed the idea. I’ve never done any broadcast stuff, have no interest in it, don’t even know how to work a video camera. bungee-jump-thailandCrazy? But I can learn, right?

    It would be such a great way to see the country! If I can come up with a standout application, I’m going to go for it. I’d have a month to spare, technically and so would the boy. T could come along with me, it’d be great experience and if it went well, it would be a huge step careerwise. Why the hell not?

    … Soooo, to apply, I need to make a video application – in the style of how I’d expect to blog along the way – and write a proposal outlining where we’d go, who we’d speak to and what we’d do.

    Ideas? Input? Brilliant suggestions? And NZers, what would you most like to see and do anywhere in the country? I will totally have a reward for anyone who helps me think up a winning application! You know you want to 😀