  • Crappy work situation

    Things are kinda depressing at the moment. The boy has been going to work and regularly getting sent back home (about half the time). There’s just no jobs happening at the moment, and if no one’s contracting them, he’s got no work to do. Having your income almost halved is somewhat inconvenient.

    What can we do? Could try and find another job. It sure wouldn’t be in the same field – it’s dead out there (except possibly in the South). Could spend this time retraining and go into IT or something. the reason we’re trying to stick it out, and have been for months, is he’s due to start his apprenticeship. or he was about four months ago, but with all the upheaval of staff apprenticeships have definitely fallen into the ‘not a priority’ category. Apparently it will right itself after New Year, and things will be back on track and he can start getting accredited, but that’s still a bloody long time away. Another 10 weeks of going in only to be told to go home, and do nothing. Thank Christ Monday was a stat holiday.

    It would be ideal if he could do some kind of odd jobs on the days he has off. Still thinking on that one…