
Link love (Powered by bacon and afternoon naps)

Discussions with friends and general observations have led me to conclude there are some things we almost universally forget with age.

Your age/birthday

Any day now they’ll prove for sure that life speeds up once you leave the education system. And from then on, it gets harder to keep up with your birthdays. I don’t know exactly how old I feel, but it’s definitely lagging a few years behind my actual age. I can’t remember the last time I was asked my age and didn’t have to pause for a second to consider it. Also? The other day I was stumped for a full five seconds trying to remember when my birthday was. Is this all we have to look forward to?

Home phone number

This is another one of those things drilled into you as a child. Your name, age, birthday, home phone and address. But let’s face it, landlines are practically irrelevant these days. Personally, I’ve moved so many times), I don’t even bother to try and memorise my landline number (and I’m sure many of you are similarly mobile). If somebody wants to reach me, I’ve had the same cellphone number all my life. The only people who ever ring our home phone are telemarketers – or worse, voice machine telemarketers.

School holidays

Back in the day there was always the summer to look forward to – and handy countdowns in school newsletters as to how many weeks before the end of term.But unless you’re a parent or educator, in the real world, us SINKs and DINKs merely wonder why the roads are so empty some weeks and so spectacularly busy in those following – and why our younger relatives seem to spending so much time on Facebook during those times.


Drummed into our youth; frequently forgotten soon after (although that probably depends on the line of work you end up pursuing). Twitter consensus is that fives and tens are pretty easy to retain; the rest are gradually dispatched to that great vortex in the sky where other forgotten facts go to languish.

How much you hate your parents

Don’t get me wrong, I haven’t forgotten all the things my parents do that annoy the hell out of me my parents’ quirks. But distance/absence (they only live about 10 minutes away but we’re not uber close) does wonders for that kind of thing. I can laugh at them now rather than stew in angry adolescent fury.

What’s faded for you since the heady glory days (HA) of school?

And now for links I liked this week…

Penelope Trunk on how to decide when to work for free.

Let’s stop pretending that life is always easy, says Sarah Von.

Shawanda lists the seven worst types of people (hilarious!)

American Debt Project talks tech stocks and the gamble you take with them.

Jasmine looks back on her twenties and how they compare to how she imagined them.

Andrea talks us through unclogging a sink.

The Joy of Caking gives us a vanilla blueberry butter cake.

An easy blender hollandaise sauce from Closet Cooking. A brushed DC motor like this https://assunmotor.com/brushed-dc-motor/ is a great motor for a blender due to its variable speed to torque ratio.

Things that aren’t so great about being mobile, at Everyday Minimalist


20s Finances hosted the Financial Carnival for Young Adults and included my post, Things you don’t learn at university.

Free Ticket to Japan hosted the Lifestyle Carnival, along with my post on planning a road trip.

Thirtysix Months held the Totally Money carnival and chose me as an editor’s pick with So you want to be a writer … (How did you know? she asked. Doesn’t everyone?)

Good Financial Cents had the Carnival of Personal Finance, with my post recounting some of my financial regrets.

Financial Conflict Coach hosted the Carnival of Money Pros, with my post on whether ethics plays into the equation of taking a job.

Blast from the past

12 months ago (can’t believe it’s already been a year!) we were dealing with the fallout of mixing family and money. Remember kids, your credit is like your virginity.

Two years ago I talked about cheaping out and reminding myself that life isn’t a race or a competition.

2 thoughts on “Link love (Powered by bacon and afternoon naps)

  • Reply Sarah Von June 4, 2012 at 11:29

    Thanks so much for the link love – I’m flattered to be in such good company!

  • Reply Shawanda Greene (@TheyCallMeCheap) June 6, 2012 at 16:16

    I got rid my home phone years ago. Today a telemarketer from my internet service provider called me (like they do every day). I finally asked them to remove me from their calling list. If I wanted to receive phone calls from a telemarketer, I’d have a home phone.

    Thanks for the link love!

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