
Link love (Powered by custard and smoked salmon)

nzmuse link love roundup

Something I’ve learned over the past few years is that Indian weddings vary widely. Every single one I’ve been to has been different – customs vary between region and country, and the celebrations I attended last month for one of my high school friends were particularly amusing because she’s the most Westernised of our group. Much like I eyerolled my way through a brief tea ceremony the day before my wedding, she endured all the rituals without really knowing what was going on or what to expect.

I wonder what the next generation of weddings will look like. As we discussed with some of their parents, as time goes on, those customs get amended or diluted. Traditions are forgotten, not passed down, or simply fall by the wayside in modern times. My friends all married within their culture, but who knows – their kids may well end up in interracial marriages. Indian wedding rituals are so beautiful, lively, and colourful, though, that even blended with others, I’m sure they will be spectacular no matter what.

Links I loved this week include: 

A bunch of RTW bloggers break down their budgets (and predictably get slammed for spending too much in the comments – YAWN)

Here are 12 apps you need to download before travelling Europe

The perks of travelling with the love of your life

There’s a difference between livable vs visitable cities (Auckland is definitely the former)

tale of trying to buy property in Auckland (for non-Aucklanders: Kelston is supposedly an up-and-coming suburb but has never quite made it and probably never will; and most houses are sold by auction)

Should Budget and the Beach leave LA? Weigh in here

Here’s how to celebrate Valentine’s Day as a single 30-something

And 28 things Lindsay’s parents taught her about love

This chart explains why you have nothing to wear

Stephany articulates SO MUCH about what I experience as an introvert

Fuzzy about what rape culture is? Me too, so read this

I too was more influenced by real-life beautiful girls at school than models in the media

But on that note, I’m feeling a bit let down by our usually awesome national airline – asking people to work for free and going the swimsuit model advertising route – is it a coincidence that all these things happened after former CEO Rob Fyfe’s departure?

Why you should work harder on yourself than  your job

Design Sponge explains how the blogging world has changed, including the fact that commenting died in 2013, or at least took a big hit, and how generally our internet consumption changing. Food for thought for both my day job and hobby…

Finally, apparently American universities are moving away from the roommate model (intriguing – we don’t really have this in NZ – I think at uni halls you get your own room, usually? That said most people share a house/flat as adults and it’s rare to live alone – we have very few apartments)

Happy weekends!

12 thoughts on “Link love (Powered by custard and smoked salmon)

  • Reply Tonya@Budget and the Beach February 15, 2014 at 10:46

    It does make you wonder. Now ceremonies (thankfully) are much shorter and to the point and don’t have as many religious rituals as the ones I attended as a kid. I think people just want to move on to the reception. 🙂 Thanks for the link love!

  • Reply Fig @ Figuring Money Out February 15, 2014 at 11:37

    Interesting! I enjoy most ceremonies now since they are shorter and generally less religious these days with less rituals.

    Also, thanks for the how to celebrate Valentine’s Day as a single 30-something post. I kinda needed that today!

  • Reply kara February 15, 2014 at 11:45

    As a photographer, I find that traditional Indian weddings are some of my most favorite to photograph. They’re a LOT more work and time than a traditional “western” wedding, but so vibrant and so much fun. (And the food is awesome!)

    I found the article on the single-dorm model in US Universities to be interesting. I went to school at the University of Texas and at the time all Freshmen were required to live on campus – either in a dorm, a co-op, or some other form of student housing, unless they had a valid reason for a waiver (things like work schedule or family situation were considered valid). I know a LOT of people who met people they never would have met or associated with otherwise and wound up broadening their horizons and making lifelong friends. I think doing away with that is a bad idea overall.

    • Reply eemusings February 15, 2014 at 14:02

      God yes – the colours and and everything are just spectacular. The most stunning saris I’ve ever seen were these white ones with red and gold (pictured here) – I’ve never seen anything like them.

      The food is good, but I have to say often not amazing. It’s hard to do good food of any type in bulk, and Indian weddings are so huge. I find the food on the earlier/leadup nights (before the final big reception) to be much better every time, because those events are smaller and more likely to be homemade.

  • Reply MakintheBacon February 16, 2014 at 02:46

    I was actually thinking quite the opposite in terms of interracial marriages. I would think that both customs would get incorporated. Then again, if both customs were insanely long, then maybe they would flip a coin or they’d strike a deal, saying one custom from one culture during the ceremony and then another custom from the other culture during the reception.

    • Reply eemusings February 16, 2014 at 15:38

      That requires indepth knowledge of the customs, though. For all my friends, their families/parents largely planned the weddings. Some of that knowledge gets lost with each generation; they may not know all the customs to pass down to their kids, and so on and so forth down the line. It was actually my friend who brought up the interracial thing when I asked her what she thought her own kids’ weddings might look like and who would plan them. Because yeah, there are SO many Indian wedding rituals, that I imagine any blended wedding would, pragmatically, most likely water them down. Incorporate elements of both sure, but that will often also mean dilution. And of course, their kids may not identify closely with their culture anyway. Not sure how well I’m expressing myself here, eek!

  • Reply La Tejana @ Debt Free Tejana February 16, 2014 at 06:50

    Agree with the thoughts about weddings. My good friend’s family is from India, and they will typically have an Indian wedding and American wedding on the same day. But, that’s their family, many are very different!

  • Reply Michelle February 17, 2014 at 05:49

    I want to go to Hindu wedding soooo badly! But, my last single Indian-Australian friend isn’t Hindu-he’s catholic. Bummer! LOL.

  • Reply David February 17, 2014 at 14:20

    Weddings just make me feel really good. Any kind of wedding is great.

  • Reply Catherine February 17, 2014 at 22:41

    Some great links there, thanks for sharing 🙂 Have never been to an Indian wedding myself, but would be a real shame if the traditions died down!

  • Reply SP February 18, 2014 at 07:07

    Loved the links, per usual. The “work harder on yourself than on your job” like was interesting, although a lot of the things he focused on were actually quite job related. But the concept can be applied as desired.

    Thanks for the round up!

  • Reply SuburbanFinance February 18, 2014 at 15:36

    I loved that post about how much the RTW bloggers are spending on their trips. If you can afford it, why not?

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