We spent a fair bit on discretionary stuff this last fortnight.
Week 1
$10 to enrol T for learning workshops at uni.
$12.50 on (A Question of) Scruples, a board game everyone should play at least once in their lives.
$3 beer for T at his friend’s 21st
$14.90 on Saturday dinner from Pizza to Go
Plus over $50 on gas, due to driving around getting quotes for car repair, out to T’s sister’s, and out to the school for his new p/t coaching job.
Also, it seems that $10 registration fee was for nothing. I booked him in for an essay writing workshop on a Thursday. He never made it, thanks to neighbourhood dramas, and having to wait for the police to take statements. And no, there aren’t anymore writing workshops scheduled.
Week 2
$20 on face wash plus eye drops
$4 for a headband
$15 on roadside hangi
$10 on Chinese
$28 at the zoo (I want to be a sea lion!)
The zoo was pretty freaking awesome, and T had been keen to go for awhile as last year he did some work there and wanted to see it up and functioning. We went on Monday – the first day of semester break – figuring it would be fairly quiet. Not so! Anklebiters were everywhere, and everyone seemed to either be pregnant or have at least two kids with them. I think there was also some sort of school trip on.
The only real disappointment I had was that the hippos were sleeping. We kept cruising back to check on them, but every time they were still in the same spot buried in a pool of mud. The tigers and lions were also napping in the heat – it really is spring!