Inspired by Saving to Pay Down my Home!
Basically, I want to be one of those people that has their shit together. I definitely don’t think it’s possible to be supremely successful simultaneously in all aspects of life, but some areas of my life are severely neglected right now.
I want to eat better. This means meal planning and taking more care grocery shopping, and it’s going to mean increasing the grocery budget. This kind of clashes with…
I want to travel. Around NZ, and overseas later on. It’s going to mean a lot of saving – starting up a travel fund once I start working – and getting a handle on the budget. Still, money is limited, and I’ll have to prioritise between travel, groceries, eating out, general saving, clothing. Unless T randomly strikes out job-wise, things aren’t going to change drastically once I graduate. We’ll be a little bit better off, with a bit of breathing room, but there definitely won’t be room for luxuries.
I want to be greener. I’d like to start up a compost heap again, but it’s way too easy just to dump scraps down the in-sinkerator! Still, it’s better down there than in the rubbish bin.
I need to get fit. I’m not a gym kind of person, but I think I should aim to go running once a week. I’ll start off slow.
I want to be better organised. I think I’m going to go back to a physical diary and try that out for a while. Right now everything goes into my phone calendar, but I think my system could be better. And seeing as I’ll be spending all my working hours in front of a computer, I might start using my Gmail calendar too.
I want to catch up with friends more often. At least once every other week! Will schedule this and try to make arrangements ahead of time, rather than seeing if anyone is free on the spur of the moment.
What areas do you want to improve on?
I definitely want to eat better. When I get busy the first thing that seems to go down my tube is my eating, and when I don’t eat healthy it affects my WHOLE body and my WHOLE day. So I need to work on eating more fruits and veggies and less junk EVEN when I’m super busy!
Agreed. I want to be the kind of person who does all of those things too!
@Amber Me too! I have a really fast metabolism, so when I’m busy I need to eat pretty much constantly. And I want it fast, and I want it to be filling. It’s really difficult!