I’m back! Back from what, you ask? A lovely couple of days off in the Coromandel, relaxing, swimming and getting a tan. Followed by graduation – the culmination of the last three years, the last time where we get together and cut loose and congratulate ourselves for making it through.
From guest speaker Tessa Duder (legendary Kiwi children’s author) to our ‘doffing’ of hats to acknowledge our friends and family, it was interminably long, and by the time we’d finished with all the communications grads and moved on to the engineers, we were exhausted. I simply couldn’t clap anymore.
I have to admit, I got caught up in the whole ceremony, from the crazy ugly regalia, to standing up for one of our tutors who received her PhD, to singing the national anthem (I got a lump in my throat). I managed not to trip, or miss my cue; I knew I’d be called out under the legal name that I’m not used to hearing. I’m just so proud of all of us for making it through.
Now, to catch up on my google reader, laundry (there’s sand EVERYWHERE) and most excitingly, Perfect Fifths!
Oh wow, absolutely beautiful.
Sometimes it feels so great to just be caught up in the moment. Congrats!
I wish I had gone to my PhD ceremony if nothing else but to wear the crazy regalia. However, it was 9 months after I defended my thesis and 6 months after I had moved to a different state – so going back just for the ceremony seemed a bit silly. =)
CONGRATS! How exciting, I’m glad you got caught up in – and completely enjoyed – the ceremony! Great photos 🙂
Congratulations! A big, big achievement. Tha cap and gown suits you – most elegant.
Congrats on graduating! I suppose it depends on how I finish college whether I’ll go to a ceremony or not. I skipped my high school one. (Don’t really seem worth it to me, but I didn’t have many friends either.)
Guess now you’re officially part of the “real world”? 🙂
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