
November goal checkin

Save 20 per cent of my income. Clocked in at 44 per cent plus extra income which I put straight toward the travel fund (as yet untallied). Of course, savings took a big dent with the new car purchase, but the awesome thing is, my net worth didn’t decrease all that much. As for my November goal of living on a $2500 budget and tracking EVERYTHING including T’s spending, I’ll have an update in the next week or so.

Try one new (to me) dinner recipe each week. Managed three dinner recipes, plus another three baking recipes. Special shoutout to the buckeyes which were a huge hit and made far more than anticipated!

Run once a week. I hit my stride with three runs per week, but have been busier lately and only managing one or two. On the plus side, those are much longer runs, closer to 10k than 2.

Donate to charity. I’d been wanting to donate to Movember, but nobody I knew was taking part…until a colleague set up a donation page for him and his mates and tweeted about it. Ah, social media.

** Don’t forget to enter my Christmas giveaway, if you haven’t already! **

3 thoughts on “November goal checkin

  • Reply Evan December 1, 2010 at 13:32

    Saving 44% of income! WOW! That is some nutty stuff. CONGRATS!

  • Reply danablair December 1, 2010 at 14:32

    thanks for the updates. I love how your topics overlap with mine. I’ll be blogging about fitness later this week and blogged about donating a few months ago and ended up freshly pressed!

    Check out Rocco Dispirito for some great recipes! I live off his stuff.

  • Reply First Gen American December 2, 2010 at 02:55

    Thanks for mentioning the Xmas giveaway. I have no idea how I missed it.

    I’ve decided to put my savings goals on hold for the month of December. I’m such a tight wad for so much of the year that I need to just let loose this month.

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