I’m not real big on fruit, but one of the things I love most about summer is the abundance of fresh melons. Granted, even in season they’re still expensive – $5-6 at least for a big ball that’s mostly water – but damn, they’re delicious.
I was recently introduced to the concept of melon salad and it’s official: I’m smitten.
Here are a few I want to try…
Cucumber melon salad – Not Eating Out in New York
Refreshing melon salad – Quick Easy Cheap Healthy
Asparagus and melon salad, via Giada
Melon, feta and pine nut salad – Epicurious
In other foodie news, last weekend I went to my first all-you-can-eat buffet for the first time in as long as I can remember. Fortuna was a disappointment indeed. Good desserts, though.
Are buffets by very nature destined to disappoint? Food in bulk is never going to be made with love and care. The Genghis Khan buffets are pretty rad, but you get to choose your raw ingredients and chefs cook them up on a huge hotplate in front of you. OTOH, their desserts are nothing to write home about – ice cream and sauce, if I remember rightly.