Personal finance is a bit of a passion for me. But as we know, wealth isn’t everything. And sometimes health and wealth are more interlinked than we might think. And yes, sometimes luck plays a pretty big part.
No matter how fit you are, how well you eat – you could get hit by a drunk driver. You could get cancer. You could get Parkinson’s. You could develop a chronic condition – pain, depression, something else. And no matter how well-insured you are, that’s going to have a serious impact on your finances and all other aspects of life – in some cases, for as long as you live.
So, while I may be halfway to blind … suffer ridiculously heavy periods … chronic hayfever … I appreciate what I have. Full use of my (weak) limbs. All my senses. I can walk, I can run, I can jump. I have no health conditions that have serious negative effects on my life. I’ve never even broken a bone. Not everybody is so lucky.
What are you thankful for today?
I’m thankful for my job, the fact that I have food in my fridge, and my friends and family.
I’m with you on that. In the past few days I’ve spent a ridiculous amount of money on meds just so I can feel better. I’m pretty sure I have the flu or something but at this moment I will pay
anything just to feel better. Wealth is nothing when you don’t have your health
Yes yes yes. Health is so important and something we shouldn’t take for granted. Also, I try to keep it in perspective when I spend money on things – especially things like travel and experiences. Ya, it might be really expensive to take a trip but I also might get cancer at 35. Soo, ya know, I want to live a little 🙂 I don’t think anyone should go into debt for that reason, but I think “living a little” even when it means spending more money than you’d like is really important!
I’m thankful for my job, family, life!
So true -health is so important! I take it for granted sometimes.
It’s so true. Sometimes we get so busy in our lives today that we forget to take a second to count our blessings. Definitely very thankful for my health and everything I have.
I’m thankful for my job and for waking up today.
Today, I’m thankful for my sister. I talk to her everyday and don’t know what I’d do without her advice and insight.
I always think about this and I always remind myself that I am happy that I can hear, see, feel, taste and especially walk. I am not injured and do not have any serious debilitating injuries as well.