
Peer pressure: You’re never too old for FOMO!


I’m a pretty simple person. I don’t spend on much. My hobbies are fairly frugal.

But I still struggle sometimes to stick to my values.

Here’s the thing. Auckland’s a harbour city – you’re never too far from the water. They call us the City of Sails.

We have more boats per capita than anywhere else in the world.

Everyone’s into stand up paddleboarding these days. They’re all the rage.

Oh, and kayaking. Also super popular.

A surprising number of conversations at work involve one of these things. Weekend plans often include one or more of these activities.

I love the beach; I love the ocean.; I love being around the water.

But I don’t like being in deep water, I get sea sick, and I have terrible balance.

A boat would not suit our lifestyle. Nor would a paddleboard. Or a kayak. And that’s not even to touch the cost.

When everyone’s talking about the cool stuff they’ve been up to on the water though, it’s hard not to get carried away. Think I could be someone I’m not.

Peer pressure, even from people I have nothing in common with, is way more influential than I’d like to admit.

I wonder if I’ll ever outgrow FOMO.

*Part of Financially Savvy Saturdays on brokeGIRLrich.*

6 thoughts on “Peer pressure: You’re never too old for FOMO!

  • Reply RAnn May 28, 2017 at 02:54

    FOMO is real and you are right, it never completely goes away. The only real cure is to step back, take a logical look at what you are missing, and then decide if you really are missing. It sounds like what you really want is to want to do those things, but in reality you don’t. Or are you missing being part of the group? In that case, invite the group to join you in something you find fun–or find a group that enjoys it too.

  • Reply Gary @ Super Saving Tips May 28, 2017 at 08:03

    I think FOMO is natural and just one of those things we need to accept and deal with. RAnn’s suggestion is a great one. You can also focus on gratitude for the things that you can do.

  • Reply Frugal Desperado May 30, 2017 at 03:06

    So I’ve been going through a numbness to FOMO period of my life where I see everything everyone does in my city and I give absolutely zero fucks. However, do I think it also makes me an unconnected, out of touch and even occasionally judge-y person sometimes? Yes. There’s lots of “oh, front row tickets to The Weeknd and drinks at a $22 a pop cocktail bar – you must think you’re Rockefeller.” I don’t even know who that judgmental person is because I’ve never been that girl.

    So maybe a bit of FOMO keeps us grounded sometimes and makes it okay to like and be connected to those who like desirable things and experiences. I know I’ve been both hermit and Ms. Bitter McBitterson since my war against FOMO so maybe a sprinkle of FOMO is good for us and maybe not so bad of an issue to have when it’s acknowledged, respected, and kept under control

  • Reply Liz May 30, 2017 at 04:38

    I get this. In Colorado, everyone skis and snowboards, but I’m not about that life. But my friends go all the time, and sometimes I feel like I should too – though I’m more of a sit at home and read a book type.

    Anyways, you’re right. You’re never to old and you have to work at staying content and spending money on the things you really do like.

  • Reply Amy @ LifeZemplified June 3, 2017 at 00:30

    I don’t think you ever outgrow it, it’s human nature. Continue to stick to your personal values, practice gratitude, and enjoy the hobbies and activities that are important to you.

  • Reply Divnomics June 5, 2017 at 07:22

    Like the rest, I think FOMO is integrated in our way of thinking. It occurs when you might be more insecure or just because you compare yourself with others. All natural.

    It can also be a huge motivational feeling when you want something that you don’t have/do already. If that’s the case I just start making plans or start doing it anyway.

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