Just a wee little topic I replied to on a 20SB thread.
Why do I have a blog? I guess, to keep myself accountable. Tolearn more about money, and be part of a community.
So I can be totally open about personal finance in a way i can’t IRL. I mean, I am pretty honest with the people I know, but none of them are in even a remotely similar situation financially speaking so it’s quite isolating sometimes. Nor do I want to burden them with my worries. So I vent here…
To satisfy my narcissistic streak! Of course. target=”blank”>
And to a small extent, to be creative – I no longer play guitar, or write songs. I’ve tried photography and enjoyed it and might take it up as a hobby next year. I really enjoyed my advertising papers last year; the process of creating a visual and painstakingly refining it for hours at a time until it’s JUST right. But I wasn’t quite creative enough for it. My domain lies in writing, and maybe in page design – because I am LOVING doing page layout at the moment. Editing & Design is possibly my most favourite paper. Blogging isn’t super creative, but it does the trick for now given how little leisure time I have this year.
And it’s addictive! When I first started I never imagined I’d be posting so frequently. I thought I’d run out of things to write about pretty fast. But I’ve been writing posts pretty regularly, and it hasn’t been difficult at all.
What about you – why do you blog? Does it ever feel like a chore?
I love creating page layouts. It’s a massive undertaking but totally worth it 🙂
[…] 2, 2010 I’ve already covered why I blog in the past. What I’ve been thinking about, though, is whether this has an end-date on […]
[…] years ago I recounted some of my early jobs; And asked why YOU blog. -36.867000 174.767000 Share this:StumbleUponPrintFacebookEmailDiggTwitterRedditLinkedInLike […]