Or three and a half now, actually.
Although I roughly know how much I have to do in that time, there’s so much packed in I can’t face it. No to-do lists for me – that’s way too overwhelming. One step at a time. I’m taking it day by day and I know in the end I’ll get it all finished, in my own disorganised way.
For example, tonight my main focus is compiling a CV to go in the “yearbook” that’s going to be sent out to a bunch of editors (a couple of whom are my current bosses…) so it’s gotta be good – and truthful!
I’m also going to plug away at one of the three features I have left to write.
Today I had my worst interview ever to date. Actually, let’s back that up; we didn’t even get to that stage. Basically, this was a person a contact recommended I call as she was an expert on a particular topic. I rang her on the work phone number given to me, only to be told she was no longer with the company. I got back online, tracked down her cell phone, and called it – only to wake her up at 2am in Europe. UGH.
Thankfully, the next call I made went a lot better and we talked for about half an hour. Turns out South Africa and Malaysia have more in common than I thought. (I even surprised myself by remembering the Malay word for banana – pisang – which apparently means the same thing in Afrikaans!)