
A charmed life!

Things just keep changing and I can’t keep up! But they’re changing for the better, I promise.

Update on the job front:

This week I was told there a couple of projects about to start at work, apparently, and if I wanted it I could have fulltime work for sure until at least Christmas and possibly beyond, depending on how it goes. What did I say? Well, of COURSE I said, “I’ll take it!”

This means I’m back to regular hours and weekends off for now. YAY!! I promptly dashed off an email to the manager I was due to meet the next morning (interviewing for the PT subediting job) regretfully declining. That worked out nicely – although it could potentially have paid quite well, I would be paying secondary tax, not to mention shunting myself between their office and my “main” job throughout the week. Did I mention it was NOT in the CBD and would have taken me two buses to get there?

So I’ve had a bit of a reprieve and can breathe easy for at least a couple of months. Even if I do have to revert to the part time, odd shifts afterward, I can then look for PT/casual work as well as I’ll have mornings off (plus a Friday; I’m sure I could handle a six day week if necessary).

Then straight after all this I got a call from another editor, the one who had my details passed on to him. I’m due to see him next week; I’m not sure how that will go and how that might work now that I do have fulltime hours for at least the rest of the year, but we’ll see how it goes. It didn’t sound like they would need too much time from me, and possibly I could do a lot of it from home and on my own time.

Oooh, exciting times are ahead.

Anyway, tonight to celebrate the END OF UNIVERSITY, our class is gathering for a combined drinks/meet editors and important media people function. I can’t let too loose or stay too long, because soon as I can I’m outta there! T will be picking me up and we’ll be driving five hours up north to stay at a friend’s bach for the long weekend. Thank you  Labour Day!

It’s going to be great; absolutely lazy and leisurely. No more staying up nights hammering out assignments. And even better, I also have Tuesday off..so don’t technically have to be back for almost five days (freedom is priceless :D). BLISS!

3 thoughts on “A charmed life!

  • Reply me in millions October 24, 2009 at 01:53

    Yay for a plan! Glad things are starting to work out. 🙂

  • Reply Amber from Girl with the Red Hair October 24, 2009 at 04:58

    Congrats on being done uni! I’m kinda sorta really jealous 🙂

    Also, that’s GREAT about the job. I’m sure they will keep you on after the few months are up too! Yay yay yay!

  • Reply Sense October 24, 2009 at 16:26

    SO happy for you! Moving on to a better living situation, done with college, AND with a job immediately lined up (with a possible side job)! You are doing awesome-ly! Congrats!

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