
XXL shopping

People always say that men spend less than women, especially on clothes. But that so isn’t true! Krystal hit it right on the head when she says that the way guys shop isn’t conducive to saving. They get in and get out. They go for one thing. And then they leave.

It’s difficult enough to shop secondhand for guys, let alone in extreme sizes. Outlet stores are also usually out of the extra big sizes. Which leaves T (who’s 6’3, stocky and maybe 120kg) just SOL most of the time. He really hates shopping, and although I love to stalk stores waiting for a bargain, that’s his version of hell. He also really hates to wait for stuff (no delayed gratification here), not to mention that it’s hard enough to find things that fit him, so instead of thinking “let’s wait till that goes on clearance” it’s “quick, snap it up before all the big sizes go!”

Did I mention he is also really hard on his clothes? He’s the typical boys’ boy, likes to mess around with cars, wrestle, roll around in the mud etc. (Kidding about the last one…sort of). He’s either vegging out being a couch potato, or being super active. Clothing never lasts long – it stretches, rips, gets irreversibly stained, etc.

His sturdy Dickies are finally giving out, and I’m dreading shopping for him. No $20 pants for this boy, not like me. And he needs a dress shirt or two. And a light jacket. And jeans.

Anyone got great tips for shopping for an extra large person?

One thought on “XXL shopping

  • Reply Revanche December 15, 2009 at 08:53

    The best I could suggest here is to stalk coupons, discounts and other sales for possible stacking. I wear very small sizes and have to do without or pay higher prices as well, so oftentimes the “deals” are supplemented by tailoring fees which makes them far less the deal. I try to stalk online as I don’t have patience for the endless trying on of clothes AND trying to find good prices.

    You can’t just rely on regular sales because usually the very small and very large do go quickly, and one store inventory manager told me that they only order in lots which don’t include many of the “outlier” sizes. Might not still be true, though.

    Good luck replacing those Dickies!

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