Thank you so much for all of your kind comments. Seriously, it means the world to me!
We’ve been robbed before – in our old ghetto neighbourhood, where we were basically terrorised by the little shitheads who lived around the corner. I’d been putting off getting contents insurance, but you can bet after they burgled us that first time I got straight onto it. Contents insurance is a MUST! It’s relatively cheap for the peace of mind it provides.
So yes, police report filed, insurance claim underway. I wasn’t even sure they would accept it under the circumstances, to be honest. But I recall once overhearing a conversation at uni – a girl had literally run over a laptop with her car, but “it’s okay, insurance will pay for it”. That stupidity kind of overshadows mine, I’d like to think.
The police, at least, were good about getting our details and coming out to dust for prints (albeit two days later). Somehow they managed to not only get our address but phone number wrong, which led to confusion aplenty. But we won’t go there…
My laptop was password protected – granted not a very strong one, but I will guarantee that whoever took my laptop is much more concerned with pawning off stolen goods than trying to get into my stuff. Financially, all it really had was an ongoing spreadsheet detailing my extra income and what it went towards, and my October financial info for tracking. Of interest to me, but certainly not to anyone else. I’d just recently signed up to Dropbox, though, and am kicking myself for not backing up the file through it!
I don’t have passwords or very much sensitive info stored on there at all, although if they happen to get in and log onto Contact Energy’s site they’ll be able to get into my account and view my power bills.
And as I said, our place was basically already a tip; hadn’t been cleaned in a week and there was stuff everywhere, so trashing it really wouldn’t have made a difference. Heh.
So we’ve replaced both TV and lappy for about $1800 – I needed a new computer right away as I had freelance deadlines looming. I scored a slight discount as my company has a deal with PB Tech, apparently; pays to wear your staff ID swipe card round your neck in public. (I may look like a dork for doing it, but forgetting it and getting locked out after simply going to the bathroom gets pretty old fast.)
I feel I must reiterate just how unimpressed with the current choices in stores were. Everything was hideous and the <$1000 choices were not very appealing. For some reason, there seems to be a trend towards extra-huge keyboard keys, and all kinds of other weird design features. I don’t really care if my computer is pretty, but I do need one that won’t drive me crazy to use. Hence why I decided against a really good deal on a Sony Vaio. I’m happy with my Compaq 620, though.
So this makes a slight dent in my progress toward a new car fund, but after my $350 excess, we’ll be getting just over $1000 back from insurance. (Amazingly, even though I only have “market value” coverage, after depreciation each item was still valued at about $700 after 1.5 years. Awesome).
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Wow! I’m glad you seem to have escaped relatively unscathed. Remember–thieves sometimes come back a week or two later–they know you’ll just have bought new stuff. Careful!
I’m really happy you had contents insurance! That is so awesome. did you have to tell them the door was left unlocked?? Or did they even ask?
Also, new car fund? Have you decided to leave the ranks of the mobile-challenged? Or is this for T to drive?
We are going to need a new car. Soon. Perhaps sooner than we thought…
But no, I don’t plan to have a car of my own until circumstances force me to 🙂
Good thinking! We definitely are being very security conscious now, but I hadn’t thought about it that way.
Yeah, I had to tell both insurance and cops about the unlocked door. Both seemed convinced I had left it OPEN – I suppose it’s not such a big leap…
You’ve got a great outlook on the whole thing.
Congratulations on not letting the bastard grind you down.
This would be considered the “end of the world” for some lesser humans.
Bravo, eemusings! 🙂
I second what sense said. When my flat got burgled, the same thieves came back a month later. (I knew they were the same because of the dump they left on the doorstep both times).
So glad insurance was able to cover things. I have renters insurance which fourtnately covers somethings like this and I am happy to see that it actually comes through when you need it too. And yay for the new laptop!