
Wednesday Warblings


the gleam, slickness and bright sound of new strings

The pulloffs in this solo (which starts at 2min 45s in):

UM. How did I miss this Glee version of Crush (one of my favourite pop songs ever?)

Music is everything.

4 thoughts on “Wednesday Warblings

  • Reply Stephanie May 11, 2011 at 14:48

    The episode where she sings this song is the one where she gets a crush on the teacher. She only starts singing the song “Crush”, before he cuts her off (she’s in the back of his car). They went ahead and put the whole song on the compilation album…probably because Lea Michelle is just awesome!

    Is that your guitar? Or just an awesome picture of an awesome guitar?

    • Reply eemusings May 11, 2011 at 16:48

      Oh, I know that episode! Well, I’m really glad they went ahead and did *something* with the full version – it’s rad.

      Yes, it’s my guitar.

  • Reply Wifey of a Roadie May 11, 2011 at 21:16

    Where is the YouTube vid of you playing the guitar! I wanna hear 🙂

  • Reply First Gen American May 13, 2011 at 23:02

    Just this week I walked into a record store and bought 2 albums (New Beastie Boys and Fleet Foxes). It was the first time I’ve actually bought an album in 5 years.

    I miss music and I’m going to embrace it again. IT used to be such a big part of my life.

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