
Link love (Powered by new challenges and chocolate sprinkles)

I kind of feel like I’m in limbo again. Waiting for various things to come together. In the meantime, life trucks along and I slowly get better at time management and juggling priorities.

How was your week?


Some ideas on streamlining your Twitter feed and cutting down on the noise.

Amber’s five tips to get moving for office workers.

Melissa faces the fear of taking the leap into full time freelancing.

Alex Varley-Winter explains how she got the job she wanted.

Kyla tells us how to balance a creative life with a day job.

Clare counts the pros and cons of government employment.

Been there, done that! Modern love: when he can’t get a job.


How to clean your washing machine on the cheap, via Totally Money.

Serendipity’s guide to looking good on a budget.

Krystal ponders the meaning of financial independence.

TeacHer shares her bargain queening tips.


Sarah Wilson on balancing different – often contradictory – parts of your life.

My Money, My Life shares her Sunday routine and talks about the importance of downtime.

Jess mulls over opening up the dating pool and minimum standards.

First Gen American on living in the moment and not letting life rush by in pursuit of bigger milestones.

A guest post by Annabelle on Serendipity’s Guide to Saving on balancing hobbies and passions.

An ode to female friendship, at Sound Bites


Iowa Girl’s cheesecake stuffed strawberries. How delicious do they look?

Chocolate and peanut butter balls. No baking. I’m sold, thanks Kyla!

4 thoughts on “Link love (Powered by new challenges and chocolate sprinkles)

  • Reply First Gen American July 31, 2011 at 23:44

    You certainly have a lot on your plate right now, but you’ve been doing great managing it all and still scheduling in couple and leisure time.

    I’m not really sure what inspired me to write the limbo article but so many people seem to be in that state right now. For me, it’s hard not to be in limbo. I always seem to be fixated on that next thing around the corner.

    I had 1/2 the week off from work with my children, so it was absolutely fabulous having extra time this week for myself and my family.

  • Reply Melissa Breau August 1, 2011 at 17:12

    Thanks for including me in your link-love! Taking the leap won’t be easy, but I’m very excited to be doing it.

  • Reply Harri @ TotallyMoney August 2, 2011 at 02:25

    Thanks for including TotallyMoney’s Alex in your round up! Whilst that limbo phase can make you feel a little listless and floating, it’ll soon pass and you can feel like you can get on with things again. In the meantime, I think you need to pour yourself a cup of tea.

  • Reply Kristin @ Iowa Girl Eats August 2, 2011 at 07:55

    Thanks for including my post in your link love!

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