
Link love (Powered by meatballs and musketeering)

So, at some point last month, my three-month trial period passed.

One of the cons on my mental list about taking the leap to a new job was the 90-day trial. Logically, I knew if I did the work well, I had nothing to worry about. But still.

Anyway, whatever day it was came and went. I’m still there. Woot.

I adjust to new situations quickly, and it already feels like I’ve been here forever. Occasionally I miss being able to slap on my headphones and listen to music for my whole weekend shift, but realistically, I was always being interrupted by the phone. I’ve learned that writing all day definitely makes me less inclined to do so after hours (ie, less blogging). I’ve accepted I don’t have much of a design eye and realised the power of InDesign (things I would have thought were done in Photoshop are in fact InDesigned), that my to-do list will no longer be essentially wiped clean at the end of every day, despaired at bad PR (and appreciated good pitches), and been annoyed countless times by those stickers on advance review copies of books (completely ruining any possibility of either a) using them for giveaway prizes and b) regifting them).

Before I get started, thanks Boomer and Echo for hosting this week’s Carnival of Personal Finance. I’m in there, obvs.

This week’s links:

Does being content mean putting limitations on yourself? Fiscally Chic blogs about balancing epic and ‘enough’, at Makeunder My Life.

Well Heeled lists some of the expenses we most like to judge other people on.

Getting a second job to pay down debt is worth more than just the wage, reckon Nicole/Maggie.

When is it time to quit? April at Get Rich Slowly offers some suggestions.

Sandy at First Gen American ponders the meaning of feminism.

Red shares her weight-loss strategies and how she plans to keep the kilos off.

Stephany voices her constant niggling fears – the first step in facing up to them.

Kommein’s Deb on fearlessness and why she prefers to be afraid.

At Cordelia Calls it Quits, Deena reminds us that it’s never too late to start anything.

And lastly – slightly random but worth it – a look at the truly fantastic Steve Jobs edition of Bloomberg Businessweek, via Subtraction.

3 thoughts on “Link love (Powered by meatballs and musketeering)

  • Reply nicoleandmaggie October 15, 2011 at 11:26

    Thanks for the link!

  • Reply Red October 15, 2011 at 14:36

    Thanks for including me, lady! 🙂

  • Reply Stephany October 16, 2011 at 14:49

    Yay! Thanks for including me! 🙂

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