
Eat of the week: Dizengoff

It’s rare that I go out for breakfast and come away feeling fully satisfied.

The Dizengoff  portions hit the spot.

I can highly recommend the feta salad; I even ate most of the beans – and I despise beans as a rule.

Best of all, as you can see, they’re not stingy with the cheese.

You may have to jostle a bit to get through and end up elbow to elbow with fellow diners, but it’s all part of the atmosphere.

Frugal factor: middling. Regular cafe meal prices.

Dizengoff, 256 Ponsonby Rd.

One thought on “Eat of the week: Dizengoff

  • Reply fabulouslyfrugirl December 18, 2011 at 11:59

    Wow! I’m just drooling looking at all that cheese!

    I love places that are so packed because everyone just loves their food 🙂

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