
Boyfriend in the kitchen: Lamb rack and mashed potatoes

It’s been awhile since we had an Adventures in the Kitchen post, huh?

I’ve been in a total food rut; it’s been weeks since I tried a new recipe, months since I last baked (a string of fails shook me badly) and the general winter doldrums took their toll. I’ve been eating too much butter, not enough greens, and finding grocery shopping a real chore.

In the meantime, enjoy today’s very, very Kiwi dinner from the boy – lamb and mashed taters.

lamb rack with mashed potatoes

One lamb rack. Lots of salt. Lots of coriander. Lots of red onion. Lots of crushed garlic. Some quality time in the oven. Fluffy, creamy mashed potatoes on the side.

7 thoughts on “Boyfriend in the kitchen: Lamb rack and mashed potatoes

  • Reply Michelle September 5, 2012 at 09:59

    Looks yummy!

  • Reply tinysarah September 5, 2012 at 12:55

    So much yum!!!

  • Reply Amanda September 6, 2012 at 02:00

    Ohhh man, that’s making me crave mum’s lab racks. Or the ones from Merlot (O’Connell’s street) that the boy and I had once had because we managed to buy a deal online for it. Sidenote: highly recommend that place, they are the first and only place I’ve ever experienced what amazing wine-matching tastes like. That place is no fancy-pants bullshit and know what they’re on about without belittling you!

    Anyway, I think your “Boyfriend in the kitchen” posts are really cute (flipping through the backlog!) and reminds me of the delicious omelette that my own cooked me for breakfast this morning. We’ve been in a cycle of lazy meals and repeating the same old favourite “Amanda/Daniel” recipes instead of trying new stuff. Comfort zones, yknow…

  • Reply The Asian Pear September 6, 2012 at 02:26

    Yummy. But missy, where’s the veggies?

    • Reply eemusings September 6, 2012 at 10:41

      Did I not specifically say here that I have been eating faarrrr too much butter and not enough greens?

      (And what are potatoes if not a veggie? :P)

  • Reply Linda September 6, 2012 at 04:39

    *drool* Is lamb rack cheap there? That would be quite pricey in the US. I love lamb, though, and buy it as often as possible. I can get shoulder chops for a fairly decent price if I go to the international market.

    • Reply eemusings September 6, 2012 at 10:40

      Not especially – but lamb is one of our key exports (more sheep than people!) and lamb happened to be a really good price that week.

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