What’s going on in my life:
- I’ve switched over to self-hosting (subscribe here, if you haven’t already! Current subscribers shouldn’t see any changes or need to do anything) and the world did not implode. Still ahead: tweaking my CSS, downloading all the plugins I have my eye on, etc. I’ve asked for my email subscribers to be moved over so that you continue to get posts in your inbox. For those who were following me via WordPress, there’s a new ‘follow’ button toward the bottom right on this page.
- We’re looking at a trip to the US in 2013 and trying to figure out if it’s feasible to fit in a jaunt to Canada. I’d quite like to visit Vancouver (but it’s so far up the coast from California, even though I would like to see Seattle and maybe Portland!) and possibly Toronto over on the other side. Would be it a shame not to? Leave it for another trip, another year?
- I finally visited the famous Jervois Steak House for the first time. The Caprese salad wasn’t bad, the eye fillet was pretty good although the baked potatoes were lacking, and the baked Alaska was worth the long wait (no photos; I was seated next to a CEO and didn’t feel comfortable being that person having my phone out snapping every dish). That said, it is pricey and I’d rather patronise the Angus Steak House (the Great Western in New Lynn has gone down the tubes). Aucklanders, where do you go for a good steak?
- We’re meeting with a potential wedding celebrant next week. Eek.
- I can’t believe it’s officially summer. WOOT! And being a new month, that means it’s time for a …
Blast from the past
Four years ago (blimey) I enjoyed an epic NYE dinner at Satya
Three years ago I goggled at my flatmate’s relationship antics
Two years ago I pondered money lessons learned from my friends and balancing hoarding tendencies with minimalistic desires
One year ago I saw Tenacious D and the Foo Fighters live (and am seeing the Chilis – albeit sans Frusciante – next month, pretty much making my concert-going life complete)
Carnivalistic fun
The latest Carnival of Personal Finance is up at Narrow Bridge Finance, including my post on dealing with a month of reduced income.
I’m also in the Byteful Travel carnival with my account of heli-snowshoeing in Queenstown earlier this year.
And now, to the links!
Seven ways to make money through your smartphone, via Dumb Little Man
Nicole and Maggie with some advice on the proper etiquette when dealing with professors. (You can probably apply this in many contexts. Folks who contact editors, get to the point fast, and a little humility goes a long way. Just a hint)
Leslie Beslie pens an ode to her student loans
Neurotic Workaholic, on the other hand, is wary of student loans and wondering when they’re worth it
How should we define success? Via Funny About Money
Handy. Ashley walks us through the process of creating your own ebook
Geek in Heels catches herself coddling the baby of the family
Life, Etc has designed some nifty meal planners you can download
One military wife offers some insights into what it’s like surviving a deployment, over at Yes and Yes
+1 to Stacking Pennies’ latest: Feminist still willing to move for her husband’s career
Finally, I’ve wondered more than once how I would deal if (on the very slight chance) my family found itself in the media because of some personal tragedy. Steve Buttry (also a journalist) recently went through this, and offers some advice.
You can’t come to Canada and not go to Toronto or Montreal. You just can’t.
I’m also 100% not saying this because I live in either city and would really love to meet you and show you around. I’m totally not biased.
(But seriously, Montreal is something quite unique in Canada, with everything in French, Old Montreal being so beautiful and so on….)
I live in cali, and have not yet made it up to vancouver…. but i really would like to! I would almost reccomend flying, though I beleive you had an original plan of driving? Anyway, if it were me, I’d fly into vancouver and do stuff around there (and perhaps portland/seattle) then fly down to LA, and do the cali stuff from there. i’m obviously biased since i live in LA, so that makes more sense to me, because I know how things work and how to get places from here. For example, Allegiant air has really cheap tickets to/from bellingham, which i think is right on the border. It may fly in/out of other cities too..
But if you have time, you could drive. It’s just that it is SO FAR north that it might be worth a seperate “base” rather than driving. california is HUGE.
Gosh, now I want to go to vancouver! It is totally doable for a long weekend, but i think i’d want to wait for summer so I can go in the mountains. And my summers usually get booked with “bigger” trips.
Also, thanks for the link!
Nice work switching over to your own self hosted site. That’s a pretty big step.
Vancouver is great 🙂 I don’t think you’d regret it at all if you decide to do a Canadian detour on your trip. If you need a place to stay or a shoddy guide let me know 🙂 I’m planning to do a US road trip myself next year and possibly have other travel plans in the works!