
Link love (Powered by cannoli and yum cha)

nzmuse link love roundup

This week has been defined by two things.

Amazing food: Arancini and cannoli at Matakana markets. Dessert at Fed Deli (pity their poutine hasn’t improved – it could use a hell of a lot more gravy and soggier chips, but it’s still the best we have in Auckland). Yum cha with work peeps, which I literally haven’t had since we got back to NZ. Egg custard tarts, we belong together…

Amazing TV: We finally finished Angel. I was so upset about the ending to start with but in retrospect think it was pitch perfect. Here’s the best analysis of the final I’ve come across. Meanwhile, Game of Thrones wraps next week, and we’ll be finishing Orange is the New Black this weekend. We watched one movie – Mr Nobody – which was a total letdown. Fascinating concept but confusing in execution and needed a heck of a lot more editing.

How was your week?

This week’s links

Utterly stunning sentiment from Prose and Constellations: “We are here to live our lives so well that Death will tremble to take us.”

9 healthy breakfast ideas from my fave food blog, Stonesoup

Renting/flathunting in the Auckland ‘burbs sucks, but sounds like renting in the CBD is just as stupidly painful (thanks for enlightening me, Sense)

Residential parking permits are common in other big cities and were a bit of a pain for us in Toronto, but people here aren’t super keen on the idea…

Nicole and Maggie ask: Does what you do define who you are?

One of Seth Godin’s shortest and best posts ever: “Really tempting to spend time trying to get paid for what you love. It’s probably easier and certainly more direct to talk to yourself about loving what you do.” (I feel bad for having copied the entire post…)

Shonda Rhimes dreamed of being Toni Morrison growing up, and years later, when they had dinner together, all Morrison wanted to talk about was Grey’s Anatomy. I love that. Also, she delivers a great reality check on balance and success: “Whenever you see me somewhere succeeding in one area of my life, that almost certainly means that I am failing in another area of my life.”

4 thoughts on “Link love (Powered by cannoli and yum cha)

  • Reply nicoleandmaggie June 14, 2014 at 11:54

    Thanks for the link!

  • Reply leaf (the indolent cook) June 15, 2014 at 16:06

    That quote from Prose and Constellations truly is stunning. So beautiful and evocative.

  • Reply Stefanie @ The Broke and Beautiful Life June 16, 2014 at 00:28

    I’ve been waiting for the bf to come home so we can start the new season of Orange is the New Black. I have a feeling that once we start, we’ll be finished with it in two days 😉

  • Reply Tracey June 19, 2014 at 11:33

    Ah, with you on the Angel finale. I was so hoping for a happy ending when I first saw it, but I guess it wasn’t a happy show to begin with, so it wouldn’t make sense.

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