I’m pretty sure I’ve now crossed over into my ‘late 20s’. I’m really starting to understand birthday dread!
That said, 27 wasn’t half bad. Low expectations are the key.
My birthday is smack bang in the middle of winter, so it’s pretty much always wet and cold. I’ve cried on far too many of my birthdays, having been let down by friends. Last year I wound up at the doctor’s half convinced I had a kidney infection; thankfully it was just a bad UTI.
This year it fell on a Monday (the first birthday I’ve spent at work in YEARS). We had a big launch, there happened to be tons of food around, and then I went out with T and one of our flatmates for dinner. I can’t say I thought I’d be living with flatmates at 27, but our setup ain’t bad. It’s definitely my favourite of all the shared living arrangements I’ve endured over the years.
This week’s links
You’re not alone. We’re all in this together
On dealing with disappointment
Surviving the emotional rollercoaster of unemployment
What does it mean to be partners?
Maybe the ultimate post about money
Happy weekends!
27 is still young, though 3 more years before you hit 30. Yay! I kinda feel the pressure on you. Good luck! It’s never been late to catch up and make things right.
Ha! Wait till you turn 40!!! 🙂 I don’t want to hear it! 🙂 Anyway, happy birthday and thank you for the link love. I try not to have expectations for birthdays anymore. I also don’t expect that someone will just plan something for me. If I really want to have a bash, I need to plan it myself. But usually I’m happy I did. I read an article once about someone who said they have even bigger bashes now that they are in their 40’s because it really is a celebration to be alive, and we shouldn’t ignore that gift. I liked that.
On reflection, I feel like that late 20s dread (for me, though I only had a little of it) had a lot to do with not realizing that 30s and onward are really pretty awesome. Just celebrated a good friend’s 40th recently, and we have another one coming up and it’s just looking better and better. A toast to aging and aging well! 🙂