Work has been taking up way too much of my headspace lately. (This may be why there are a total of 3 Ask A Manager links this week!)
Luckily, we had Easter this month, and Anzac Day next week (plus I wound up having two sick days off, which I spent sleeping and marathoning 13 Reasons Why. Holy hell, the feelings! Such a rollercoaster).
Much of it is self inflicted, and me being hard on myself (at least, I think it is). Any handy tips for learning to let things go and stop stressing yourself out?
This week’s links
The 6 levels of making more money
The intersection of money, happiness, and fulfilment
When you love your job but hate the money
Supporting vs Spending – a new way to think about where your money goes
Holding it together at work in the middle of a personal crisis
What do you no longer believe?
The things you don’t know about early on in your career (so important!)
How do you tell your partner he needs to earn more?
Great summary of the reality of keeping chickens – couldn’t have put it better myself, 100% agree!