
You can’t always force things to happen on your timeline

You can't force life to happen on your timeline

All in good time.

Things happen when they’re meant to.

Make a plan, the universe laughs.

Looking back, Big Life Things have happened for me when I least expected them. Often, when I’d given up entirely on them.

Not when I was pushing, pushing, pushing.

Not when I was fixated on them.

Not when I was desperate.

Much like with writing, which for me flows best not when I try to force it; but when I relax, when I’m in the right frame of mind, when the environment and circumstances are right.

And likewise, life is funny that way. It’s always worked itself out, just not necessarily in the ways I imagined or within the timeframe I anticipated.

It sounds woo-woo – but I’m getting more and more into the realm of woo, and liking it, with age. I’m appreciating the power of mindset, and the importance of getting into flow and alignment wherever possible.

So this is a public commitment to myself.

I have established my goal; now I must stop obsessing, and let it come to me when the time and circumstances are right. I’ve done my part, laid the foundations, and will continue to do my thing to make sure I’m worthy of it, and ready to identify and receive it when it appears.

Patience, humility, and a whole lot more patience.

6 thoughts on “You can’t always force things to happen on your timeline

  • Reply Mao June 15, 2017 at 09:35

    Isn’t it funny how life works? Things tend to work out better when you want it less and just go with the flow.

    I’ve learned to take things easier over the years.

  • Reply Mrs. Groovy June 15, 2017 at 12:05

    Stop obsessing seems to be a common thread this week. It’s probably harder for many in the PF community since we’re so goal oriented and driven. I’m definitely concentrating on taking a step back from most everything these days to go with the flow. Thanks for the reminder.

  • Reply Tim Kim @ Tub of Cash June 15, 2017 at 12:19

    I’ll be honest, I’m pretty obsessive. Many pros and cons. I’d like to think it’s a strength though. Maybe I’ll change with age. Thanks for sharing!

  • Reply timeinthemarket June 16, 2017 at 12:27

    My latest post kinda deals with that. You try and you try and you get defeated in certain areas of your life and then something just happens to come along and changes all that. It’s true that you can’t force anything and sometimes you just gotta wait for the good things to happen.

  • Reply Fruclassity (Ruth) June 20, 2017 at 14:33

    I don’t think that’s woo-woo, but it does have a spiritual element. As a Christian, I use different words with a different emphasis, but humility and patience are definitely key. There is discernment and effort required, but certainly not the desperate, fixated pushing, pushing, pushing you have learned to avoid. You are onto something. Keep on seeking : )

  • Reply Michelle June 22, 2017 at 04:20

    You’re speaking TRUTH in this post. I’ve had to let things go and stop trying force things to happen. Love this.

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