So it’s officially a brand new year. Who can believe it? I hope everyone had a wonderfully relaxing holiday and that 2010 is bigger, better and brighter than 2009 for you.
I found it really great having a list of set goals last year, which I could come back to on the blog and update/mark off as I accomplished things. So I’m doing the same thing again, setting both financial and personal targets. I honestly believe that goal setting enables you to move in the right direction, otherwise, I would never step back to reevaluate what I want and how to get it. And what better way to stay accountable than by making them public?
- Save 20 per cent of my income
- Try one new (to me) dinner recipe each week. That’s going to require some organisation, so the idea is to draft up a meal plan in the middle of the week before hitting the supermarket on the weekend.
- Run once a week. Right now, the only exercise I get is walking to/from the bus twice a day, and any walking around I might do on a lunch break.
- Make an upwards career move.
- Celebrate our anniversary – it usually gets overlooked in the pre-Christmas week. I also want to try and exchange gifts on all special occasions (he likes to both give and receive actual presents, as opposed to, say, me paying for his car audio to be installed).
- Donate to charity. Sure, it defies all SMART goal setting, but I don’t feel I can put a set dollar amount on this. Rather, I’ll give what I can when I can, and to whoever or whatever charity I decide on at the time. Whether I’m giving time, money, or food to a foodbank – something I think I prefer, since I know that it’s all going towards someone who needs it, rather than admin costs or the like – I get a) the warm fuzzies from doing so and b) I believe in karma.
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