Whatever happened to the good old days? When I was in school the BDO was a paragon of A list bands. One year (fourth form?) there was Metallica, the Chilis, The Darkness, Kings of Leon, the Dandy Warhols and many more). Since then it’s steadily gone downhill. I don’t even remember who headlined last year. Neil young is headlining this year. No disrespect to him, but he’s really not what the BDO is about.
Yeah, it’s going to the dogs. I thought last year’s was pretty lame – I worked there and Muse and Tool were fab, but that was about it. 2009 looks set to be crap. I perked up when I heard SOAD were coming, but turns out it’s just Serj Tankian on his own (WTF?)
If Southern Amp wasn’t so southern, I would so be there…