Sometimes last year AUT did away with handing back assignments in the pigeonholes. Instead, they got returned to us in tutorials.
This year it’s gotten worse. We get emailed a random block of time (usually 1.5 hrs) in which to stop by our tutor’s office to pick up essays and whatnot. These are usually Wed-Fri afternoons when I’m working. I didn’t go to the handback for the first MC3 essay as work was insane. I waited till my tutorial to approach my lecturer. Yeah…and he STILL hadn’t even marked mine. Was I glad I didn’t take the time off work to trek up to his office for nothing?
Today was handback for the second essay – pretty last minute considering the exam is on Tuesday and we NEED feedback. MC3 is a core paper that you need to pass to graduate. It’s also very theoretical, dry and has a relatively high failure rate.
I used my lunch break to go visit my tutor – I was confident I’d done quite well but wanted to see his comments in order to do as well as I could in the exam. Know what he told me?
“Oh, I’ve got yours right here but haven’t put a final mark on it. You haven’t failed or anything, though. Can you come back in an hour?”
As it turned out, no, I couldn’t. So I may email him to ask him to at least tell me what I got. Or I might just forget about it and head into the exam, and wait for next month for ALL our final marks to be posted. I really don’t care enough.
Get it together. If you tell us our assignments will be ready for us between 2-3.30 on Friday, MAKE SURE they’re damn well ready! Maybe our time is not as valuable as yours in terms of the rate you command, but it’s not worthless.