I’m starting to realise I have no particular niche, in this blog, in my personal life and in my professional life. I’m not hardcore PF – I don’t do spreadsheets, I don’t do fancy graphs, or read the big PF writers. I like looking at pretty clothes and shoes, but in nobody’s universe am I a fashionista; I don’t keep up with couture, I don’t know designers. I’m not a hardcore media junkie, I don’t listen to talkback and watch TV. I can’t claim to be a muso.. I don’t even play anything anymore, or keep up with new music as I dislike so much of it.
I’ve also been thinking about making this more of a ‘life’ blog, more personal (photos, etc) and combining in reviews and my portfolio – a little like what Amber has going on. That’s all the stuff I currently host on my posterous blog, which is home to my published work and other bits and pieces. Posterous is neat, but it doesn’t really lend itself to what I want. It’s a simple, bare bones interface; there are no pages, only posts. I’d probably import it all here, cutting out the hassle of maintaining two different blogs.
I’m pretty wary of no longer being anonymous though, given that I’m in the media/publishing field. Part of the reason I don’t post so frequently on my other blog is because I devote more energy here, and because I’m so acutely aware that everything I publish to my name is going to be scrutinised and could be seen by my bosses and future employers as a journalist (ie., no swearing like a sailor a’la Nicole, although IMO it simply adds to her cutting wit). But at the same time, blogs can definitely play a part in getting you noticed and getting a job.
You know, I’m PF-lite, too! FB doesn’t even categorize me as PF in her blogroll! I’m super into PF but my blog simply reflects more of me than just that one facet, and it’s cool. And I like that yours is open-ended too, because you’re a real person to me and not just another blogger who only writes (P)F.
I like your blog just as it is. I wouldn’t worry about trying to fit into a niche. Just write about what you want, and don’t worry about fitting into labels. Those who love your blog will follow (as we already have!)
Write about what you like and be yourself. Blogging is about expressing yourself and you are doing that!
I think your blog is great the way it is and you could totally show it to employers! My prof told me that employers like seeing a blog from people in our field because it shows that we have the dedication to keep up writing something on a regular basis!
PS: I should add that your blog will change and develop over time and as you get more into blogging. Mine certainly did!