
Hurrah! We’re not going to be homeless

I won’t lie. I’m a worrywart and an overreactor. So despite a calm facade, I was harbouring fears in the back of my mind that we would end up homeless and living in a tent.

Thankfully, it’s not to be. T and I are moving to Epsom, of all places (one of the most affluent suburbs in the city) to a cute little ground floor apartment at the bottom of a mansion. Yes, the one with the super awkward kitchen I tweeted about.

We don’t have to pay rent for our last week here, so we’re moving at the end of the week (and will probably come back to sort out loose ends/clean at some point). The place we’re moving to is vacant and the landlord wanted someone to move in ASAP, so that worked out rather well.

Things with our new home did NOT get off to a good start, however. I called the LL to tell him we were keen. He didn’t remember us.

Then we got there, and he wanted the bond in cash. I’ve never come across that before – normally you sign the paperwork and arrange to pay the bond plus any advance rent through bank deposit (and get irritating calls from them until the money finally goes through two days later, because they’re always with a different bank entirely).

So off we go to find an ATM. We end up in Newmarket, 10 minutes later, and race to the nearest cash machine. It rejects my card.

Around the corner, we find one of my bank’s ATMs. I jump out of the car, he screeches away and loops around the block while this ATM tells me that my PIN number is wrong. Even though it’s not. Three tries later and I’m locked out of my account. And if that wasn’t already awesome enough, it SWALLOWS MY CARD to boot. Bye bye all hopes of withdrawing cash.

That was Saturday, and I still can’t laugh about it yet.

(ETA: Yes, he did write us a receipt for the money!)

4 thoughts on “Hurrah! We’re not going to be homeless

  • Reply The Asian Pear March 9, 2010 at 15:12

    I’m glad you found a place. I’m a bit worried though that you paid in cash… I hope you got the paperwork in place. I’m just worried someone scammed you. (Hopefully, that’s not the case!!) But please get the paperwork completed AND a receipt!

  • Reply paranoidasteroid March 9, 2010 at 15:21

    So glad you found a place! I’ll second Pear and hope you get a receipt soon. We looked for our apartment on Craigslist and about a fifth of the responses we got were scams. :/

  • Reply Amber from Girl with the Red Hair March 9, 2010 at 15:46

    YAY so glad you managed to find a place after all. I’m in the process of moving right now and it SUCKS!

    I wish we rented by the week and not the month over here. That would have saved me a shitload of money this month since I’m double-renting! Lol

  • Reply Scribbles March 9, 2010 at 16:42

    We went through a real estate agency and I still think that they were fairly useless. We ran through the property checklist and highlighted extra issues to them… and have heard nothing. Talk about hands off. You should get a letter from tenancy services when the bond is lodged and if you don’t, I would query thatwith the landlord. So pleased you found a place though. It’s the devil trying to find a suitable house.

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