A few weeks ago I got a call from my old landlord. Ugh, I thought. What now? The last time he called me was when the new tenant moved in – MONTHS after we left – and she couldn’t get her new phone line connected. There was no way this could be good, and I couldn’t think of a single reason why he might be calling me.
It turns out a package had arrived for me. A really big one, he said, and I should come pick it up. Except that every time we were in the area, he wasn’t home. BF is out that way all the time to see his family – usually at least once a week – and never managed to catch him, either.
Until this weekend. FINALLY. Ever the cheapskate, the LL (he lives in a little converted workshop out the back of the house we used to rent) still hasn’t fixed the broken pane in his glass front door. I SO don’t miss that place at all.
I honestly could not think of what might be inside the parcel. I wasn’t expecting anything. I hadn’t bought anything online. I figured I must have won something, although I didn’t know why it would have ended up there.
I thanked him and started edging toward the door, not wanting to stay a moment longer than I had to, especially since we were on our way elsewhere and the car was still running.
“I’m really curious…I don’t know what it could be,” said I. “Thanks! I can’t wait to get home and open it.”
“Yeah, me too. Let me know what it is,” sez he.
Underneath my name and address was the name of a random PR firm. So I ripped a little hole in the package and peeked inside. OH MY LORD. How embarrassing.
He’s all, “What is it?!”
I pulled out the envelope on top.
“Um, it looks like I’ve won a Durex prize pack. Kthxbai!”
Uh, awkward. I barely even remember entering the competition, but I scored myself quite the haul.
Lesson learned: Make sure your details are up to date before entering random competitions. And maybe stick to only the contests which you REALLY want to win.
(PS: A few days later he texted me asking what was in the pack. What a creep.)
BAUAHAHAH I seem to move constantly… I have all my packages sent to my mom’s house. That way I don’t have to have creepy land lords asking me about all my assorted goodies… (not that I have any.. but if I did)
HAHA! Hope you are enjoying the goodies. *Wink*
That’s funny! At least it went to someone you don’t have to see anymore? Imagine if it went to your parent’s house! Oh dear, my mom would freak out.
hahaha! hilarious. my bf once won a prize package too… 100 condoms! lol. he thought it was a package from me until he checked out who the sender was. heh.