Financial Samurai presents his case for why the West Coast kicks the East Coast’s butt. Seriously entertaining (not to mention convincing) and makes me very glad to be over my starry-eyed New York phase! I still want to visit the Big Apple, but I am just as eager to visit California (home to lovelies like Revanche, Well Heeled and many more).
Me in Millions welcomes summer. What I wouldn’t give for sun, sea and sandals right now. I detest extreme heat – would never live in the tropics – but I’m not a fan of winter at all.
Jamie reflects (hilariously) on the things she doesn’t understand. To that list, I will add cars, currency and foreign exchange, and the Middle East. Seriously, I’ve been trying to educate myself on this ever since Gaza hit the news post-flotilla incident, but it’s effing hard when everyone has such strong opinions one way or another.
Fabulously Broke points out a nifty little Google Chrome dictionary addon. That is SERIOUSLY cool and almost makes me want to convert!
Melissa pays homage to the kiwifruit (or as northern hemisphere dwellers simply say, “kiwi”) and sneaks in a sly diss of the papaya, which I consider one of the tastiest things nature ever came up with. Oh yeah, and this is a kiwifruit spoon (spife).
Continuing on in the food vein, Pear waxes lyrical about salads – like me, raw veggies just weren’t on the menu in her household. Sadly, all my favourite salads are the kinds with less vegetable and more dressing (or potato).
Finally, Katie’s sage take on moving up the career ladder: sometimes you just gotta wait your turn. That rung very true for me. And on that topic, from time to time I find myself managing other staff. It’s bizarre, and I’m thankful I don’t have to do too much of it – I’m not sure how good I am at it. I’m always polite and try to be encouraging as much as possible, but I am not cut out to supervise!
Ahahah, you’re too great. Thanks for another round of lovely links. 😉
Great Links – thanks for sharing!
haha. thanks for including me. 🙂
the only salad I ever had in my house was potato salad… which had potatoes, chicken, eggs, apples, shrimp, etc. I dunno why it’s called a potato salad if it had chicken, eggs and shrimp though. o__o?
thanks for including me!