
When it all comes crashing down

A couple I know has split up. A couple everyone thought was in it for the long run. The male half is with someone that none of us think is, er, worthy of him, although she’s been angling for him ever since they met. Not to sound like my mother or anything…but his old girlfriend was clever, classy, cute and dare I say marriage material? This one, not so much. She has more in common with the specimens who used to frequent my old house although to give credit where it’s due, I’m sure she’s not quite of that class. Let me just say that she’s already had brief encounters of the intimate kind with at leas two others in our circle.

So, to my point: no relationship is infallible. Whether it’s the small things (the fact that he never returns from a trip with everything he took away, whether it’s a tube of sunblock or my digital camera), or a big, sudden, painful blowout that comes out of nowhere, cracks can appear in even the most solid foundation.

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7 thoughts on “When it all comes crashing down

  • Reply Amber from Girl with the Red Hair June 16, 2010 at 08:59

    I still always find myself shocked when seemingly solid couples split.

    It scares me a little, too.

  • Reply Serendipity June 16, 2010 at 10:55

    Nothing is forever. Some people can simply wake up one day and think ” WTF am I doing here?” Makes me feel happy that for right now Rambo and I are doing better. This post is a good reality check.

  • Reply Crystal June 16, 2010 at 11:39

    Scary but true. One minute everything can feel so secure and the next it can all come crashing down.

  • Reply Kara June 16, 2010 at 11:55

    Relationships are funny in a way. They may seem great on the outside, but on the inside, they’re full of challenges.

  • Reply Revanche June 16, 2010 at 13:46

    One of my high school friends just split from her BF of 7 years. Longevity’s never guaranteed, especially when one of the two stops working at it.

    It’s sad but sometimes it’s the right thing for at least one of them.

  • Reply Rachel June 16, 2010 at 15:56

    This is bad, but there are several couples I know who split up and I was never surprised. With one of them, I even remember looking at the pictures she had posted of them on facebook and thinking their body language was weird.

    Maybe I am just really morbid.

  • Reply Aspiring Minimalist June 16, 2010 at 16:07

    You never know what goes on in the inside of a relationship.

    Relationships take constant work, and once one or both party start taking for granted, things can fall apart really quickly.

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