

I can’t remember the last birthday I had when it didn’t rain. That alone set this year apart. One of my dreams is to celebrate a birthday in the northern hemisphere, baking on the beach and sipping cocktails (Never done that in my life, but it sounds nice).

In brief: We drove to town, where we visited a few stores and picked me out a new camera. I’d already been researching for a couple of weeks, so had a pretty good idea of what I’d be getting.

On to Kermadec for lunch, where he had the fish and chips (cod) and I had the yellowtail kingfish with navy beans, bacon and “tiny vegetables” (I kid you not, I’m quoting the menu).

His dish was pretty hearty; I was initially a little disappointed at my serving, but I finished off T’s meal once I was done and didn’t quite manage to clean the plate. Oh, and they gave us tiny little shot-sized cups of complimentary cauliflower soup!! It was AMAZE – creamy and full of body.

Then we went to visit his sister and her family, and most importantly, the baby niece! She is SO adorable and I could keep myself amused watching and playing with her for hours. When I have children, they will only ever be dressed in animal playsuits. All. The. Time.

A quick stop at Kohu Road where we proceeded to taste almost all their ice creams and sorbets – it was his first time and he agreed ice cream from the supermarket would never be the same again.

Once we got back, it was still beautiful out. So we went for a quick jog and shot some hoops up at the local school (the park was overrun with people).

Finally, we headed over to the Cock and Bull in Newmarket for the evening. Eating, drinking and pub quizzing ensued. We definitely aren’t going back though – and it wasn’t due to the understaffed kitchen and slow service, but the fact that they charged $20 per quiz team. $20!!! I’ve never encountered that anywhere else. And the quiz (to say nothing of the quizmaster) was crap; they wrote their own, unlike every other place which uses the awesome Livewire quizzes. On the upside, almost every table walked away with a prize – a bottle they got to fill with tap beer of their choice.

And that is how July 6, 2010, went down.

8 thoughts on “Twenty-two.

  • Reply Serendipity July 8, 2010 at 07:22

    Happy Birthday! I hope this year is a great one!

  • Reply Amber from Girl with the Red Hair July 8, 2010 at 09:32

    Hope 22 is a great year for you!

    That little girl is ABSOLUTELY ADORABLE!!

  • Reply unknowntheartist July 8, 2010 at 23:52

    Oh, Happy belated Birthday.
    I love bdays ‘cos you always get to try something new, food, drink or gift wise.
    (My bday is nxt wk on 13th & we just got back from gorging ourselves on awesome foodstuffs in Sydney as my early bday present).
    Your meal looks heaps yummy! I would eaten a few servings of that in one go, with some rice as well 🙂

  • Reply The Asian Pear July 9, 2010 at 05:28

    Happy Belated Birthday!

  • Reply Forest July 9, 2010 at 05:57

    Happy Birthday!

  • Reply Stephanie July 11, 2010 at 06:44

    Happy Birthday!

  • Reply July roundup « Musings of an Abstract Aucklander August 6, 2010 at 23:53

    […] I counted all birthday related spending as an event. $180 odd of that was on the camera, the rest, food and drink. Money well […]

  • Reply Reverb 10: Photo « Musings of an Abstract Aucklander December 27, 2010 at 18:20

    […] a Tuesday. My day off; he’s still jobless, so we have the day together. We usher in my 22nd year with lunch at Kermadec, a seafood restaurant on the waterfront (it’s not as swank as The […]

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